Page 46 of Rise of the Alpha

It’s almost lunchtime, which means I have just enough time to get presentable for this meeting and grab a snack before video chatting with my grandmother and this wolf pack board. I’m not sure why we’re moving the whole coven there, but Grandmother is our head elder, and she said the Goddess gave her a vision, and we’re to be bound to this pack. Otherwise, she’s been very tight-lipped about the whole thing, not even telling me what pack it is. I promise if it’s Exodus, Goddess be damned, it’s not happening.

Slipping into a black dress with a white Peter Pan collar and sleeve embellishments, I smooth the fabric down my chest. Grabbing my favorite fishnets, I roll them up one leg, then the other before slipping my feet into a pair of black-heeled combat boots. I head to the desk and turn on the little mirror I use to get ready. Plugging in the curling iron, I set it down and start on my makeup while I wait for it to heat up.

A swipe a little pink blush on my cheeks and then pick up my well-loved eyeshadow palette, smoking my eyelids out with the perfect shade of gray. The final touch is the lipstick; Nightshade is my go-to color, and today will be no different. I coat my lips in the black paint and smack them together in the mirror. Happy with my face, I hurriedly rush through giving my rainbow hair a slight curl so it has some bounce to it. Finally pleased with my look, I stand and head out the door.

I barely make it back from the dining hall in time for this video chat. If I’m late, my grandmother will have my ass, and she is one woman I never try to piss off. Rushing up the stairs of our dorm building, I shove the key in the door and kick it open. Grabbing my laptop, I sit back at my desk and power it on. Once it comes to life, I move the cursor over to the video chat icon and click it, scrolling down to my grandmother's contact.

The computer rings only once before my grandmother's face fills my screen. “Salutations, Wylla. How are you today?” she asks.

“I am fine, Grandmother. I’m just worried about the roommate I told you about. She had to go home to her pack for the weekend, and I’m concerned about her being back with those wolves,” I tell her, and my voice starts to break.

“Well, child, I told you I would give you the information you needed, so what I’m about to tell you might help ease the worry once she is back on school grounds.”

I nod and move closer to the screen, eager to know the info she has come across. “You will need to remove the block on her designation first. For the info we seek will tell us if the wolf is meek. What she discovers might have her second-guessing having mates. But that decision will greatly affect her fate.”

“Grandmother, what does that even mean? Why does it always have to be in riddles? Why can’t you just say ‘Hey, Wylla, you should do this before this so that the world doesn’t end’,” I snark. I should have known she would deliver the information that I need in riddles and clues. Whatever, I will remove the designation block, then Magz can decide if she wants the mate block removed.

“Wylla, you seem upset by this news.”

Sighing, I rub my hand down my face before answering, “I’m not upset, Grandmother. It’s just I think we might be mates, so that little nursery rhyme you just shared might affect me as well.”

She nods, giving me a half smile. “Yes, my child, but would you want your mate to come to you willingly or with a push?”Damn her!She’s right, even though I want, in the worst way, to be mates with Magz. It has to be on her terms. I don’t want her to resent me forever, so I’m going to keep my lips sealed and remove the block and go from there.

“Now enough, Wylla, we have to meet with this pack board. We need to be able to move there and time is of the essence.” She looks at her keyboard and I can hear the click-clack of keys as she types. My screen is then split, and I see my face, my grandmother’s, and two squares that are empty waiting for our guests.

After a few rings, a middle-aged man’s face fills the screen. “Good afternoon, Morticia, it is great to see you again. This must be your granddaughter, Wylla. Nice to meet you. I am Alpha Gray of the Stoneridge Pack.”

“Good afternoon, sir. I'm pleased to answer any questions you may have for me. My grandmother said there were some concerns with our application due to my paternal lineage being the Matilda Coven. I can assure you, sir, I have never, nor do I ever, plan to be in contact with my father. If he wanted to know me, well, he’d have done it before now.”

Alpha Gray nods his head. “I appreciate your candor. We are just waiting on my son, then we'll talk it over more and give you our decision before this call is over. Since he is Alpha heir, I want him to be involved in these decisions from here on out, you understand?”

I nod once and sit in silence, waiting for our last guest to join the call. Grandmother and the Alpha are making small talk, but I’m just sitting with my mind continuously circling back to Magz. Damn, I can’t wait for her to be back tomorrow, then she’s never going there again. The blank square in the corner of the screen flashes, then a face I recognize appears. “What the fuck?” I whisper, but not quietly enough.

“Wylla Moon Michaelson! You will not speak with such language in front of the Alpha and his heir!” she chastises me, and I flinch at the tongue-lashing.

“Sorry, Grandmother and Alpha Gray, it's just that Blaine is actually a good friend of mine from here at school. I had no idea he would be a part of this meeting.” It’s the truth. Blaine never mentioned having a video chat or I would have linked the two together. Instead, I’m shocked and confused about why we would need to move to Blaine’s pack lands.

Blaine laughs, then turns his attention to his father. “Wylla is part of that situation we were discussing earlier, Dad, with the Exodus pack.” His father nods in acceptance, then everyone is silent as we wait for what this means for our move.

“Well, I meant to interview you further, just to double-check things since Wylla has Matilda ties. However, it seems we may be more connected than we think. Welcome to Stoneridge Pack. Please bring yourselves and your belongings to pack lands within the next thirty days.” I look at my grandmother, and she has a beaming smile on her face.

“Thank you, Alpha. The Goddess is ever pleased with this decision. We shall prepare and be at your lands within the month.” With that, the screen flashes, and she is gone, without saying bye to me. Dang. That woman is intense.

“Well, I should be going too, Son. I have things that need my attention. Wylla, nice meeting you, and I’m excited to see what this new endeavor brings,” Alpha Gray says, and he nods in Blaine’s direction, then hangs up. I look at Blaine and glare at him before hanging up on him.

Slamming my laptop shut, I stand from my desk, grab a water from our fridge and exit our room. I have a wolf to find, and he has some Goddess damn explaining to do. I mean seriously, what the fuck was that? He’s the Alpha heir for the pack we’re moving to?Oh, shit!That means I will now be living on the same pack lands as all three of those dimwits. Fido, the noodle rat, and the sexcubus all live there with their families.

This could be a great thing, though. If we are already all together, then it will be easier to convince Magz to leave her pack and join Stoneridge. I step onto the elevator and hit the button for their floor.

Blaine better be in his room and ready to talk. I have questions for the asshole.


My father spent the rest of Friday and most of today harping about my looks. I escaped to my room, claiming I had an assignment for school I needed to work on. He kept going on and on about how I embarrassed him in front of the Alpha and the pack. But did I really? Only a couple of people saw me. He followed behind me all the way to the house to make sure I didn’t stop anywhere. Once we made it back, he made it abundantly clear I wouldn't be stepping back out of the house until I left for school.

I stood firm, though, and haven’t removed the piercing. Well, I may have lied and said I would once I returned, as it required a special tool to unclasp it, which he actually believed. I thought my father was a little smarter than that. I guess I was wrong.

The only saving grace getting me through this hellacious weekend was the texts back and forth between Wylla and the guys. We decided not to call each other, not wanting my father to overhear any conversations, so we kept to text messages. They even managed to send some pictures, some that had my core hot with desire with the amount of flesh they were showing.Goddess, help me when I finally have sex! They are going to break me!