Nodding, I listen to her, and when she’s finished, I cross the room and squat in front of her on the bed. “Baby, it’s going to be fine. Two days, that’s all you gotta get through. You survived them for eighteen years. Two days ain’t shit.”
“You’re right. I’m overreacting. It will be fine,” she says as she shakes her body out like that somehow will shake the anxiety out of her too. “Now tell me how to use this tape, little demon.”
Grinning, I hold it up in front of her. “It's really easy, Maggie. You legit just rip or cut a piece to size and put it over the piercing. You want it to wrap around the jewelry itself, though, so it’s not touching the skin. Then it can’t just peel off the skin and make any awkward lumps or bumps.”
“That sounds easy enough.” She snatches the tape from my hand and shoves it into the front of her suitcase.
“Anything else you need from me, Maggie?”Like maybe a kiss or my fingers caressing that beautiful clit of yours, easing all this tension built up inside of you.
“No,” she says as another sigh leaves her body. “I’m just hoping it works. If he sees all thesinsI’ve committed against my body, he’ll flip his lid. I’d be locked up, or worse. I’m hoping to the Goddess that he doesn’t get too worked up over the nose.”
Standing up, I grab her under the arms and pull her to her feet so that we’re looking at each other eye to eye, our noses touching, my arms wrapped around her. “I’ll make you a deal. If you don’t return on Sunday night like you’re supposed to, hell, even if you are five minutes late, we will come for you. No matter what, the guys, Wylla, and I will come to those forsaken pack grounds with guns blazin’ to get our girl back. Okay?” I ask as I kiss the tip of her nose.
A lone tear escapes her eye, and I pull my right arm from around her, lifting my hand up to her face, so I can run my thumb over her cheek and capture it before sticking the digit in my mouth. Tasting her tear, I close my eyes and groan. “I’m serious, Maggie. The Terminator won’t have anything on me in demon form. We can’t forget Bone Crusher, either.”
A giggle escapes her lips at the thought of the ferret’s ironic cage name. “You’re crazy, Jude. But you got yourself a deal.”
I spin us around, so my back is to her bed, and sit down, moving her so she is straddling me as I perch on the edge. Leaning in, I kiss her pouty lips, eliciting the sexiest little whine from her, which drives me to continue the kiss but with more gusto. I lick the seam of her lips, and she opens for me. I take that as my opportunity to thrust my tongue into her mouth, tasting her as she runs her tongue over mine like she’s fighting for dominance in this kiss.
Taking my chance, I run my hands under her shirt and rest them on her sides as we continue to battle for control of this kiss. I slowly creep my hands up to her full tits and cup them softly. I don’t want to get too rough with the new accessories each perky nipple is now rocking. Wylla let it slip at dinner this week about the nipple piercings. I’m a hundred percent sure not one man at the table that night left with a soft dick.
Just as I start to slide under the band of bralette, she pushes a hand against my chest and breaks the kiss. “We can’t,” she tells me with her now red and swollen lips. “Maybe things will be different after this visit. But until then, I have to be smart and cautious. I know I’m drawn to all of you, Jude, just as you’re drawn to me, but I have to do this on my terms, and I’m just not sure what those terms are quite yet,” she tells me.
I open my mouth to tell her what I think about her terms and pack, but she doesn’t give me the chance. “Jude, it’s frustrating and maddening as hell. I can’t even imagine. While I know I’ve always wanted more for my life than being a mated wolf, it’s also hard to think that my entire life I’ve been lied to and magically modified so that those lies were more believable. Not just me, our whole damn pack. I have to wrap my mind around that, and it’s harder than it seems.”
I nod, because, well, who am I to argue with her about that? I’m sure growing up sheltered like she was, then coming here and finding out your whole life is pretty much a lie, is life altering. Add in three sexy men and a rainbow death witch, and she actually has a point.HUH? Maybe I should pass on this new wisdom to Blaine and Zeke.OrI could let them suffer until they reach the same conclusion.
She stares at me, waiting for my response.SHIT!I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn’t give her an answer. She probably thinks I’m pissed.DAMMIT, JUDE!I kiss her gently once more, “I’d wait an eternity for you, Maggie,” I murmur against her lips.
She nods and I stand, still holding her, and set her down on her own two feet. “Well, I guess I should let you get to it. I’ll see you in class tomorrow morning before you leave. But remember, babe, Sunday night or–” I make my fingers into little finger guns and shoot them into the air mentally thinking ‘Pew pew, mutherfuckers!’.
She giggles and shoos me from her room. “I’ll miss you, Jude Goodman!” she hollers down the hall behind me. I laugh and wave at her over my shoulder.
Getting to my room, I find Blaine and Zeke doing homework on their beds. They both look up as I come into the room. “What took so long? I thought you were just dropping off the tape?” Blaine questions me. Fucker should have known I was going to try to get as much time with her as I could.
Smirking, I wag my eyebrows at him. “Have you met our girl, Blaine? It’s kinda hard to just drop things off and go. She’s addicting, like a habit I never wanna kick,” I tell him. “She also tastes fucking delicious, like a sugary treat of cotton candy.” I laugh at his reaction.
His face turns a darker shade of red every second as he glares at me. “You tasted my mate?” he demands, and his wolf’s claws pop from his fingertips. A growl leaves his throat, and he stands, moving closer to me. Zeke stands to interfere if need be.
“Calm your wolf down, Blaine. I simply kissed her, but Goddess, are you easy to rile up.” I laugh as I move to my bed and grab my literature book, so I can start the essay we were assigned. Blaine moves back to his bed and once again starts on his homework, mumbling about stupid fucking sex demons. He’s so fun to work up. I can’t wait to see how he is when we are mated to our girls.Wait… our girls?
Today has dragged on. I’m assuming it’s from the knowledge that after classes, Maggie’s headed home. We are all dreading her having to go back to that cesspit of a pack. However, it’s necessary. Her not showing up on the first weekend home would send all kinds of red flags to her dad and Alpha, and we need them to think she is still clueless. At least until Wylla can remove the blocks. We all, well, at least me, are having a hard time knowing we won’t be there if she needs us, and we won’t have a goddamn clue what’s going on with her.
I’m praying to the Goddess that this weekend when Wylla talks with her grandmother, she gets the missing information she needs so we can get this shit done ASAP. Blaine is even more eager than me. He’s ready for Maggie to accept him as a mate and complete the bond. I am too, but demons mate differently than wolves, especially incubi. We don’t go crazy without our mates like wolves do. More than anything, we just have to fuel our energy with more and more people. However, if Maggie and I mated, I’d only need to fuck her maybe once a week to stay at full power.
It’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to her about. I haven’t fed off anyone by fucking since she arrived. Only fueling up on others’ lust as I come across it. Needless to say, I’ve been spending a lot of time near popular hookup spots on campus. It won’t continue to be enough, though. I’m going to have to tell Maggie and see what she thinks.Fuck, I’m dreading that! But just feeding off of the lust of others isn’t going to sustain me. Hell, I don’t think I have much longer before it’s not enough at all.
Now that classes are done for the day, we are headed to meet Maggie in her room to say our goodbyes. She doesn’t know we’re coming, but we wanted to surprise her and send her off the right way. I get to her room just in time to see her lugging her suitcase off her bed as Blaine and Zeke stand on opposite sides of the door frame.
“I wish you’d let me help you, pretty wolf,” Zeke says.
“I’m fine, Zeke. I don’t need a man to carry my bags for me. I got this,” she sasses him.
He just rolls his eyes but grabs her around the waist when she steps closer to him. He gives her a bone-crushing hug.HA! Get it?Kissing the side of her head, “Bye, pretty wolf, be safe.”
Blaine steals her away from Zeke and holds her to him, so their foreheads are touching. “Just stay calm, little mate. Come back Sunday and we’ll figure it out from there.” He kisses her forehead and steps back from her. She looks over and moves the few steps it takes to cross the room to me.
“Hey, Jude.”