Page 37 of Rise of the Alpha

WyllaandIstrolledback to our dorm linked arm-in-arm the next morning with our large cups of coffee in hand. She has me giggling, telling me about the girl from yesterday at the tattoo parlor and a story she had told her about a guy who came in and got his junk tattooed. I’d nonchalantly mentioned in a conversation on the way home last night how it seemed like the girl was into her, and all she could do was laugh.“Magz, no! Why the hell would you think that?”she had balked, but never gave me a legitimate confirmation that she wasn’t. After not getting any clarification, I dropped it, feeling like she didn’t want to tell me.

“So how are the nips today?” A devilish grin crosses her face as she gives me a slight hip bump that almost makes me spill my coffee.

“Umm… A little tender and sensitive as hell. I couldn’t wear a bra today because it kept rubbing on them, hence the oversized sweatshirt,” I confess, looking down at my body, as visions fill my mind of Wylla, tongue out, teasing them, as she straddles me on our bed.

Where the hell did that come from?

“So where are the guys this morning? Figured they’d be attached to you like flypaper,” she asks coyly.

“Probably asleep. Why?”

“Just surprised to get you all to myself. They seem to be stuck up your ass lately, and with the way your eyes light up, it seems you’re enjoying it. If I’m being honest, I just kind of feel in the way, like a fifth wheel on the Magz bus. To me, it felt like we had a connection, that there was something between us, and I kind of feel used right now.” I go to speak up, interrupting her, barely getting the start of her name out, but she stops dead in her tracks, untangling her arm from mine and places her finger on my lip.

“No, listen to me, please. There are some things I need to get off my chest before they eat away at me. I know the pack you’re from, and you feel you have to obey them. Honestly, I think you suffer from some type of Stockholm Syndrome, but we’ll talk about that another day. From the first time we met, I felt a connection, a draw to you, and I thought you felt the same. Then we do the spell and find you have multiple mates, and I was like ‘fuck yeah, this explains shit’. It could be me, and I know Blaine already says his wolf screams to him about the mate bond between the two of you. Then there are the other two meatheads who want you, but isn't there space for me? Fuck, I wouldn’t mind having some of them too. Hell, from the first time I met Jude, I wondered what it would feel like to have his demon cock slamming into me as I’m bent over a desk. Just tell me, honestly, do you have feelings for me or am I imagining them? The stuff with the guys we can figure out later.” A deep sigh escapes her as she stares at me, wide-eyed and anxious, awaiting my answer.

I pause, staring in awe. I do like her, there’s no doubt about it. “Wylla, I do like you, and I mean really like you and the guys. I have this pull to each of you that I can’t seem to explain. Crap, it’s just I’ve had eighteen years of being told I had to be one way. Even though I have always wanted more, I’m scared of going against my father, and the pack. What would happen to me, to you guys if I did? There are so many emotions running through me, and I’m trying to process them all, to find that strength in me to stand against my father and become the person I want to be.” My heart races as I bare my soul to her about how I feel.

“You are being a badass. Look at you! Tattoos, piercings, you’re already finding that strength and rebelling. Just keep it up and don’t be afraid. The Exodus pack is not the only place for you, and you’ll always have us in your corner.” She takes her hand and wraps it around me, pulling me closer to her as she rests her head in the crook of my neck. “You will always have me, Magz, just don’t push me away anymore. I need to feel like you want me around.”

“Okay, can you give me some time and not give up on me yet?” I ask between sniffles.

She pulls away from me, a smile gracing her face. “Yes. Now let's get back to our room. I still need to work on my English assignment.” She links her arm back with mine, and we continue the walk back to our dorm.

We chit-chat about what she wants for her next tattoo the rest of the way. When we enter our room, I head straight for my desk, knowing I should really go ahead and knock out my assignment for Mr. Godrickson’s class. He told us to pick a supernatural type to learn more about and write a two thousand-word essay on what we found. I picked a ferret. Surprise, surprise.

Placing my cup of coffee on my desk and taking a seat, I power up my laptop, wishing I hadn't when I get the email notification popping up. I see who it’s from and dread fills me.


I hope you are following all the rules as we discussed. Your mother and I look forward to seeing you at home this Friday for your weekend visit. Attached is your travel information for your flight that is leaving on Friday.


My heart sinks, and I feel sick. I knew it was coming, it just seems to have come too quickly. My panic grows when I realize I now have tattoos and piercings to cover, both against what I was allowed to do. He’s going to fucking kill me.

Wylla must sense my attitude change, as I’ve gone quiet and rigid. “Magz, what’s wrong? You look pale as shit like you’ve seen a ghost or something. If you did, it’s okay; they’re cool as fuck. I had a friend back home that would have me laughing so hard I thought I was going to die. She used to fuck with the humans non-stop, scaring the shit out of them. This one time this snotty ass bitch actually shit herself, she was scared so bad. Best day of my life until I met you.”

Turning to face her, I let out a long sigh. “No. It’s an email from my father reminding me I’m to come home this weekend, no ifs, ands, or buts. I’m scared, Wylla. What’s he going to say when he sees me, the changes I’ve made? Oh no, the spell. He’s going to know what we’ve done. Oh fuck, oh fuck!” I begin to breathe rapidly, hyperventilating.

When I feel a sharp sting across my face, I look at Wylla.She freaking slapped me!

“First off, I’m sorry about that, but I had to get you to calm down. Second, we didn’t remove any spells, so he’ll never know. While you’re gone, I’m meeting with my grandmother, and I’m going to talk about the spells we need to do. So stop worrying about that. Third, we’ll find a way to cover up your sexy ass modifications to your body. Just act like you normally would at home and everything will be okay. It’s just a couple of days, you can do it.” Her pep talk helps, and I feel my heart slow as I calm down.

“You’re right, just a quick trip in and out. I can do this.”

A knock at the door draws our attention as Wylla makes her way over. The rhythmic sway of her hips calms me even more. She grips the handle and opens the door. “Well, well, if it isn't my second favorite scent, smoke and honey.” A scent that overtakes me as well, my body calling out, wanting to be near it.


Standing at the girls’ door, I’m nervous for goddess knows what reason, but here I am. Well, really it has more to do with the fact that I came to invite them up to our room for pizza and drinks. Lifting my hand, I knock swiftly on the door. It doesn’t take long before it’s swung open to reveal Wylla standing there looking frazzled.

“Well, well, if it isn't my second favorite scent, smoke and honey,” she says loudly, before mouthing, ‘help me’,and moves her eyes quickly over to Maggie who’s sitting on the bed about to cry.

Stepping inside the room, I rush right past Wylla and kneel down in front of Maggie. I lay my hands on her thighs. “What’s wrong, babe?”

“Nothing, it’s stupid. I’m fine.” I can tell she’s fighting hard to hold back her sobs.

Reaching up, I grab her chin and turn her, so she can look into my eyes and know how serious I am. “No way, Maggie, I’m here to listen and be your friend. Tell me how I can help.”