Page 35 of Rise of the Alpha

“Okay! Damn. No need to yell at me. We need to show that little wolf how good we could be for her. We spoil the hell out of her. We would anyway, but we start now, not when she accepts us as her mates. Are you fuckers in?” I slur.

They nod ecstatically, and we raise our glasses, cheering to our new plan to show that irritating but sexy creature just what it would look like to be with us. Beer sloshes all over the bartop, and the bartender comes over, cutting us off and sending us on our way back to the dorm to sleep it off. We wibble wobble all the way home, arms around one another’s shoulders as we brainstorm how we are going to get this plan rolling.

Watch out, Magnolia, your mates are coming for you.


Lastnightwasinsane!It was fun, but then it turned into a damn nightmare.At least for me.The fights were fucking awesome. I love a good, bloody fight as much as the next dark magic bitch. Watching Zeke beat the hell out of that tiger shifter was glorious. I wonder if the tiger went home and licked his wounds.Pun intended.He was annihilated by a ferret, that was the fucking best thing I’ve ever seen.

Then afterward, Magz ran through the crowd like a wild woman trying to get to Zeke. Once she knew he was okay, she jumped into his arms as soon as she was close enough, locking her lips to his. It was adorable, and I actually had no jealousy over watching him taste her. The nightmare started when the kiss broke.

Jude informed Magz that Zeke, Blaine, and himself would be pursuing Magz to be their girl. They want to share her with each other, which is cool, fine, whatever. However, they didn’t mention sharing her with me, and she didn’t mention me either. She just said there could be no pursuing her, she was promised to another.Again, not me.

We leave, and I placate the guys in their love fest for her, thinking once we’re away from them, we can talk and she will clarify her feelings about what Jude said.Nope!All the way she talked about them and what they said. What this means for her, and how can they want her still, when they know she’s promised to the pack heir?Blah blah blah!The topper on this nightmare cake? She asked me how they could want to share her, to watch each other with her intimately.WHAT!

We’ve shared kisses, and I finger blasted her into next week. She’s not concerned about that at all. Or that I watched her kiss Zeke and didn’t freak out? No, it’s all about the cocks swinging between those imbeciles’ legs. So what, the kisses and orgasms were just drunken mistakes?That shit fucking hurts.

I need to call my grandmother and ask again about undoing these blocks Magz has on her. I’ll do what I promised and help break the designation and bond spells. But then? I think it’s time I stop playing cat and mouse with my roommate. Either she admits she has feelings for me and wants to be with me as bad as I do her, or I’m going to dip. My feelings are already growing so strong for her that I couldn’t bear watching her with them. I like some pain, but not heartbreak pain.

This whole week has been long and boring. I don’t know how people actually enjoy classes. Like, who wakes up in the morning and thinks,‘I can’t wait to see what I learn today’? Not me. I’m only here because my grandmother thought it would be good for me to take a break from the coven. Those bitches are always giving me the side eye because of who my dad is.

Your mom goes off and hoes it up one night and ends up knocked up by a warlock from theMatilda Coven.They met on a night out drinking and hit it off, only sharing their names and nothing else, and wham-bam-thank you-ma’am, nine months later the most badass witch who ever lived was born.That’s me, by the way.

The Matilda Coven is known to be a bunch of ruthless, take no prisoner people, so I’ve never met my dad. In fact, I don’t think he even knows he has a kid.A fucking epic one at that.Anyway, I’m getting off track. I’m part of the Samara Coven with my whole maternal side of my family. They’re fucking awesome, but the rest of the coven?Bitches.All because of half my heritage. It’s whatever, but it’s why Grandmother pushed so hard for me to come here.

I mean, all in all, I met Magz, and she’s been worth the whole learning thing. Until this week, all of a sudden the guys have been up her fucking ass. Even Jude. We’ve always been flirty, and I thought we had a connection, but he’s even pushed me to the side. If she wasn’t a virgin, I’d swear someone turned them all into one giant anal plug, walking with her to class, carrying her books, and getting her meals in the cafeteria for her.

They’d probably wipe her fucking ass if she asked. The best part, or maybe the worst, is that my girl is totally oblivious to it all. She’s eating the attention up. I’m sure that’s because she doesn’t receive it much in her pack, and especially because the guys don’t wait on the women hand and foot. There it’s all ‘men good-women bad’, so she thinks it’s sweet and adorable. They want to be so caring.GAG!

All this week has done for me is shown me that I’m a big fucking fifth wheel. Magz has been amazing at including me and so have the guys, actually. I’m not blind though, their attention is all on Magz, and hers has been on them.Thanking them, chatting with them, them, them, them!No way am I going to stick around and get closer to them; especially Magz, for my fucking heart to break when she decides she wants to be with only them.

Grandmother told me over the phone last night that after we video chatted for the meeting with this council, she’ll advise me on breaking both spells for Magz. Her bonding block and designation block. After that? I’m marching my thick ass down to admissions to talk about moving dorms or at least rooms. I can’t be this close to Magz, continuing to fall for her more until she drops me like a hot potato.

She slept in my bed again last night, which just makes this whole thing so much harder. We fell asleep in our own beds, then I woke up in the middle of the night, hotter than hell. When I opened my eyes to see what the heck was going on, Magz was in my bed, cuddled up to me, sound asleep. The woman is a fucking conundrum, I just don’t know what to do anymore.

Which brings me to today, it’s Saturday, thank goddess. We are headed back toInked Yato get her tattoo. She has been vibrating with excitement since she woke up two hours ago.Speak of the wolf.Magz comes skipping into the room, hummingNot Your Barbie Girlby Ava Max. She’s wrapped in only a lavender towel, and her hair is dripping down her neck. She shuts the door behind her and spins, facing me. When she catches me smirking at her, she freezes. “Can you believe I’m getting a tattoo today? I am so flippin’ excited!” she squeals.

“Are you still getting the wolf design you talked about?” I ask.

She raises a brow at me. “Are you serious? Of course, I am!” Then she turns her back to me, heading to our closet to pick out some clothes. She pulls a spaghetti strap tank over her head, then shrugs on a zip-up quarter sleeve sweater. Look at her like an old pro already, wearing something so Hex can easily access her bicep.

Stepping into some yoga pants, she whirls on me. “Are you still not going to tell me what you’re getting done today?”

“Nope,” I tell her, popping the ‘P’ at the end. “A total secret, at least it is to your cute ass. Hex knows what he’s doing and I have no doubt he’s going to kill it as usual.”

“Okay, but like can you at least tell me where you’re going to put it? Where is there room left?” She grins at me deviously.Little brat.

“For your information, Magz, I am getting it as my boob chandelier,” I sass back.

“Boob chandelier?”

“Yes, it’s the space on the sternum like right between but under the breasts. Right here,” I tell her, lifting my shirt to show her.

Her cheeks turn pink as she stares at my exposed skin. Then she just nods her head and turns her back, slipping some socks onto her feet.See! A fucking conundrum.What she doesn’t know is that I’m getting the glass dome fromBeauty and the Beast, but instead of a rose inside, I’m having Hex draw me an intricate Magnolia flower.

I’m on the fence about if I’m staying in this school, let alone this room with her. So I want the tattoo to memorialize my first love. After I disappear from her life, I want to look at my chest and know that even for a short while my heart was hers, even if she never knew it.

I also can’t wait to see her face when she tries to pay Hex, and he tells her it’s covered. I’ve been keeping a secret from her. I paid for her tattoo already and want it to be a surprise. She’s going to be so annoyed, then hopefully she is all swept up in the sweetness of the gesture.