Page 26 of Rise of the Alpha

“So you wanted to talk after class. I’m free now,” her voice chipper as she speaks.

“Yeah, perfect. Let’s grab something from the vending machine and then find somewhere to sit down where we won’t be disturbed.” I stuff my papers and notebook into my bag, placing the strap over my shoulder as I stand. Magnolia does the same. Reaching out, I take her bag from her and place it over my shoulder as well.

“Thank you. To the snack machine,” she says with a jump, pointing her fingers toward the door.

We stop at the machine at the end of the hall, get a variety of snacks and some sodas, and head out to the door. We walk around aimlessly in quiet, neither saying a word before she finally breaks the silence.

“There’s a bench over by that big oak tree over there, no ones there, how’s that spot?”

Casting my gaze over to where she mentioned, I see it’s indeed how she described it. “Perfect.” Taking her hand in mine, basking in the feeling of happiness that spreads through my body, I lead her over to the bench.

She sits down, taking her hand and patting the spot beside her. “Come on, talk to me. What’s wrong?”

Moving and taking the spot beside her, I take a deep breath and tell her my story.

“Okay, first though, promise to listen and not interrupt.”

She raises her eyebrow, giving me a curious look. “Okkaayy,” she drawls out.

“So, first, I want to apologize for acting like a dick to you more than once. When you hear my story, you’ll understand even though it doesn’t place me in a good light.”

“Ze…” she starts to say, reaching out, I place my fingers over her lips, stopping her from finishing what she had to say.

“No, you promised. Are you going to be quiet and listen?” With my fingers still in place, she can’t answer but nods her head yes.

“Okay, so. The time I ran into you by the bathroom wasn’t the first time I saw you. I’d run into you before, except you didn’t know it was me. I was in my shifted form, and I assumed you sensed I was a shifter, and when you did what you did, I thought you were putting on a show. It wasn’t until after that I realized you didn’t know, but it was too late. I was so drawn to you, and then when you cuddled me to you, I caught wind of the delicious scent of your arousal on your fingers, and I couldn’t help it. I stayed in my shifted form and nibbled on them. I never thought I’d see you again.”

She pulls back from me, as everything I said sinks in. “You’re the fucking ferret from the woods?” she asks, her voice quivering like she wants me to say it wasn’t. All I can do is nod my head confirming it was me.

“You fucking watched me finger myself and didn’t say a word. Fucking christ! What the hell is wrong with you? Did you get a good show? Laugh about it with your buddies afterward when you knew who I was.” I’m letting her yell everything at me, taking it all in. I don’t know until her hand slams across my face that she’s slapped me.

“It wasn’t like that, Magnolia. I didn’t know, I thought you wanted it. Forgive me, please,” I plead with her, taking hold of her wrist trying to keep her from rushing away.

She places her hand on my chest, pushing me away from her, causing me to let go of her wrist, so she doesn’t stumble.

“Fuck you and your friends. Tell them their time of making fun of the ignorant wolf is over. I never want to see any of you again. So stay the fuck away from me.” She takes off, running as fast as she can away from me. The sound of her crying rings in my ears. She was strong the whole time, never shedding one tear until she took off. Walking back to the bench, I drop down onto it, noticing she left her book bag.

Pulling out my phone, I start a group video call to the guys. Each of them picks up within moments.

“What’s up?”Blaine asks.

“So, I fucked up. I told her everything. About being in the woods. How I thought she knew and was playing a game until I realized too late she wasn’t. About being a dick to her and how I never thought I’d see her again.”

“And she was mad but forgave you right?”Jude asks hopefully.

“No, much the opposite. She hates me and the two of you as well. She thinks we were playing some game with her, and she was the butt of the joke.”

“What the fuck!”they both scream out in unison.

“I tried to explain there wasn’t a joke, but she wouldn’t listen, she slapped me and ran off, leaving her bag.”

“So she pulled a Cinderella,”Jude smirks.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“You know she left something behind, so we’d have to find her,”he finishes explaining.

“Whatever, I’ll see the two of you back in the room, so we can figure out how to fix this shit. And before you say anything, you’re part of this bullshit, so yes you will be helping me.”