Page 99 of Forever Friends

She nodded silently.

“And we can talk about it, discuss it, and figure it out together… as a team,” he replied gently, smiling at her.

“Right?” he prompted playfully, and she knew he was trying to get her to laugh. “You can pull me off the ceiling – and I’ll hold your hair when you have morning sickness.”

Emily made a noise and rolled her eyes, looking away.

“Emily…” he urged, squeezing her hand and giving it a little shake, causing her to look at him. “I’m kidding, honey… sort of. We’ll figure this out together, and I want to put in for time to come see you again as soon as I get back.”

“Are you sure?”

“Am I sure I want to see my beloved bride? Yeah, I’m positive.”

* * *

They finishedtheir incredibly romantic evening listening to the music that was timed to the fountains of the Bellagio from the observation deck of the Eiffel Tower, standing there together.

John had his arms wrapped around her as she leaned back against his shoulder, silent, and savoring the feeling of contentment that stole into her soul, just knowing he was there.

It made her heart ache to know that he would be gone before she knew it – and it was a little unsettling to think that was the case… yet, if what he promised was true? They would work together, reach out to each other, and try to make sure they had as much contact as possible.

“Are you ready to head back?” John whispered tenderly in her ear, hugging her close.

“Not really…”

“I know,” he breathed, kissing her earlobe. “I’m just running out of time, and I really need to touch my wife before I wake up from this dream.”

She turned in his arms and stared up at him, seeing his own eyes were shiny with emotion as he gazed at her. Gone was his beautiful smile, and he looked so haggard, so serious, that it made her heart ache painfully. She just desperately needed to see his smile, hear his laugh, and feel that sense of belonging that came with holding him close.

“I’m going to miss you so much,” he said thickly.

“Let’s go…” she whispered in understanding.



WatchingEmily boarding the airplane had to be one of the scariest, eeriest sensations that he’d ever felt in his entire life. He watched his very heart and soul walking away from him, holding back tears, and giving him a slight wave before she disappeared down the walkway that led to the 747-jet waiting at the end of the ramp.

He stood at the window, reeling, at the change in his life, his priorities, and his marital status, wondering if maybe this all was a dream… or if someone got the license plates of the two-ton truck that just landed on him.

He was married and happily so… to his best friend.

Growing up, he’d seen people come and go before… but nothing could have prepared him for this emptiness within his gut.

Staring at the plane, he crossed his arms over his chest protectively, realizing he felt infinitely jealous that one of those men was flying his wife home…and it should be him, he mused idly.

The plane backed away from the gate and pulled away, heading for the runway to begin its taxi for takeoff.

He couldn’t move.

Standing there, he put his hand on the window as if to touch Emily one more time, taking a deep breath and desperately trying to remember the scent of her perfume or the way she would smile at him.

Instead, he was flying back to Ghazni… alone.

He felt lost.

Pulling out his cell phone, he texted her knowing she wouldn’t receive it until she landed.