Page 97 of Forever Friends

“You’ve got to take care of yourself…” he chided gently. “I would hate for you to wear yourself out or get sick while I am overseas.”

“I know.”

“On that note,” he began, lacing his fingers with hers tenderly. “I need to update my documents when I get back, get you added to my benefits rosters, my checking account, and…”

“I know what you mean,” she interrupted softly, marveling at the differences between their hands and how wonderfully masculine his was compared to her own. “I need to get a new driver’s license, social security card, add you to my accounts, and…”

“I wish I had more time this visit,” he whispered openly, his voice thick with emotion. “I just wish we had so much more time to spend together, hang out together, or just do the little things, like having coffee and talking.”

“This is wonderful, isn’t it?”

“When I come back,” he began quietly, “I know we need to have dinner with your parents, but can we just stay at home together? I mean, I know it’s going to be strange because it’s your place, but everything I have is in my footlocker in Ghazni… and I really feel like you are getting the raw end of the deal in our marriage. I wish I had more to bring to the table for you, Emily.”

“John,” she said softly, turning to look at him and staring at his expression. “My home is your home – and we’ll build our life there for the time being, one step at a time. It’s not much, but it’s our four walls to do with as we please.”

“You don’t mind?”

“No, I don’t mind…” she repeated in disbelief. “Did you think I would?”

“No? Maybe? I mean, I feel like I’m not doing much other than providing entertainment or a paycheck in this relationship…”

“Wow,” she gaped, stunned. “How about you focus on just being happy with me? I love the entertainment, and I don’t need your paycheck… never have. I didn’t marry you for money.”

“Technically you married me because you were drunk.”

“And ‘technically’ I married youagain, because I wanted to remember every moment with the man that I love…” she said softly, gazing at him. “One step at a time, remember?”

“I’m just not ready to say goodbye tomorrow.”

“I’m not either…” she admitted. “But it helps knowing we have all the rest of the tomorrows in the world together, doesn’t it?”

“I love you, Emily…” he sighed softly, leaning forward to kiss her. “And while I certainly don’t deserve someone as wonderful as you – I’m selfish enough to never let you go.”

“Good,” she smiled, kissing him happily.

* * *

As they enteredthe Eiffel Tower Restaurant, Emily felt significantly out of place. Everyone there was dressed so beautifully, and she felt like her new dress was downright dowdy or modest compared to some of the glittering cocktail dresses and suits she saw.

It was all so breathtakingly stunning, and so incredibly elegant.

The entire room was wall-to-wall windows to take in every scope of the area, and they had to take an elevator up to the floor to be seated. You could see the trusses from any seat, along with the glimmering lights of the Strip down below. The interior was extremely dim, yet the neon atmosphere outside cast a glow that beckoned them forward, following the hostess.

As they were led to their table, she saw there was a single red rose waiting on a plate… causing her to look up at John.

“I love you,” he whispered softly as if answering her silent question, causing her to blink back tears as she remembered that he’d set this up weeks and weeks ago.

Gazing out the window, she saw the fountains of the Bellagio across the street and turned to him smiling… only to see him watching her with such yearning and tenderness in his gaze.

This was all so magical, and incredibly romantic.

“I will never forget how beautiful you are tonight…” he breathed softly.

Emily smiled tearfully, unable to speak because of the lump of emotion in her throat at seeing his soul shimmering in his eyes as he looked at her.

She’d taken such care getting ready, wanting this to be a night to remember… only to realize that it didn’t matter about whether or not she wore her hair up, curled it, wore a dress, or bothered with earrings.

Nothing mattered except how she felt being with John.