Page 96 of Forever Friends



“You talk entirely too much when your nervous…” she whispered softly against his lips, melting into his arms. “Would you just hush for about an hour or so?”

“It’s only gonna take two minutes… tops.”

Both of them burst out laughing at the outrageous statement and the implication of it – before he swept her into his arms, carrying her to the bed, kissing her along her jaw and cheek bone, as neither of them couldn’t stop laughing.

His eyes danced with happiness as he loved her, made her laugh repeatedly, and kept the most serious of moments light… creating so much joy between them.

This was what she had always wanted in a relationship, she realized, and there was no one else in the world like John.



The next twenty-fourhours were sheer magic.

She had never felt so perfect, so welcome, or so loved and admired as she did at John’s side. She should have felt modest or embarrassed, but every time she turned around – he was there, making her laugh and smile.

They slept in, had coffee in the jacuzzi bath together, and gazed out the floor-to-ceiling windows while talking absently about moments from their past, just sharing what they could, grasping at every chance possible to bond and solidify their budding relationship.

“You know… I’m growing to really like that tattoo on your finger…” she smiled playfully. “You can’t get away from me.”

“I wouldn’t even if I could,” he murmured and hesitated. “But I do need to find something to cover it, so I don’t get in trouble.”

“We can visit the shops downstairs or check out a jewelry store locally…”

“I thought maybe we could do that together on the way to dinner,” he offered, and lifted her hand to his lips, kissing her fingertips. “Do you like your ring, or would you prefer something else?”

“My ring?” she questioned in shock, glancing at him. “I love my ring…”

“Good. It was the prettiest, classiest engagement ring I could find… kinda like my wife.”

Emily chuckled happily at the ease that he delivered the compliment and the simplicity of his words as he kissed her shoulder. They just sat there, together, savoring the closeness between them, and ignoring the looming deadline of their flights in opposite directions tomorrow.

“What are they going to say about your sudden marriage on base?”

“That I’m a lovesick idiot,” John laughed softly, kissing her temple to soften the words.

“Is it true?”

“Very much so…” he laughed tenderly, kissing her again. “You’ve got this little freckle right here that is just adorable, and I keep…” he kissed that spot again noisily… and again…and again, causing her to laugh at his playfulness. “I can’t keep from kissing it. It’s an addiction.”


“Em…” he mocked, causing her to chuckle again. “What’s your schedule like for the rest of the summer or early fall? I’m already prepping myself mentally for my ‘tax widower’ status come January.”

“It’s not that bad…”

“Yeah, it kinda was.”

“Yeah,” she muttered, shivering. “It really was. I think all I did was sleep, eat, and crunch numbers online.”

“And sometimes didn’t eat…”

“Don’t remind me.”