Page 88 of Forever Friends

“Oh!” Emily whispered, feeling her face heat up. “That would be nice but…”

“I won’t look.”

“Do you mind?”

“Not at all.”

Nervously, she laid down the photographs and marriage license on the desk where the other license was sitting.

She looked at it, saw her scrawled handwriting and the difference between the signatures. John had drawn a smiley face in the ‘a’ on Masden… making her smile.

Her goofball.

She heard the jacuzzi tub filling in the room and got up to fix them both a cup of hot tea, needing something to relax her nerves. There were two teabags of chamomile tea in the room that would certainly help her – and she made him one without asking.

Digging in the CVS bag, she pulled out the cookies, beef jerky… and hesitated as she saw that he’d bought some contraception. Blushing wildly, she set the box down and covered it up with the CVS bag nervously.

Listening, she realized that John was on the phone in the distance with someone…

“… Yes, please. Two forks, too. No, I appreciate the offer, but no - zero alcohol. Thank you… yes, thank you again.”

He hung up the phone and turned around, only to start guiltily.

“How long have you been standing there?”

“Long enough…”

“I thought maybe we’d have a slice of cake like other people when they get married… and you weren’t supposed to hear me ordering it.”

“You didn’t have to tell me,” she smiled.

“I don’t want secrets between us… and maybe you shouldn’t walk so quietly,” he smiled, winking at her, before glancing over her shoulder. “And the bath is almost done filling.”

“How is this going to work?”

“I’m going to turn the loveseat and have my back to you the entire time, or I’ll go downstairs for a bit,” he explained. “I’m not in any rush, and honestly if that,” he waved at the bed in the distance, haphazardly. “… Ifthatdoesn’t happen? I’m completely fine. I just… I just need us to be happy – you know?”

He looked so open and earnest that it was heartwarming. She took his hands in hers and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek, before smiling at him gently.

“Thank you.”

“Why don’t you call your parents, and we can put them on speaker… then I can take over and field the questions while our cake arrives.”

“Are you sure?”

“No,” he grinned, smiling openly at her. “I’m a nervous wreck right now, but it’s not getting any better the longer I wait.”

“I understand,” she smiled, picking up her phone and dialing – only to have her mother pick up on the second ring.

“Hey Mom…”

“Emily? How’s the convention? Are you learning lots of stuff?”

“LOTS…” she laughed softly, seeing John’s playful wink. “I’m actually going to put the phone on speaker and want to introduce you to someone. Do you have a few minutes to talk… is dad there?”

“Sure,” her mother said quietly. “Is everything alright, Emily?”

“Mom,” she said softly, looking at John’s smile. “Everything is wonderful and working out unexpectedly terrific.”