Page 83 of Forever Friends

Emily sucked in her breath at the desire in his eyes… and the bluntness of his words.

“Sorry, but it’s true,” he said possessively, his voice terse, but his expressive face told her that he wasn’t mad… but quite the opposite.

“You’re mine,” he whispered, kissing her passionately in that moment, “…And always will be, dang it. We are,” he hesitated, kissing her again. “We’re gonna make this work and…”

“Yeah, we are…” she agreed breathlessly, meeting him kiss for kiss as they held each other.

He hesitated and looked at her tenderly.

“Can I ask a dumb, sentimental question?”

“Those are my favorite,” she smiled tenderly, staring at his gentle smile as he gazed at her.

“If we don’t remember anything from yesterday – do you care to do it all over again?”

“No alcohol,” she prompted.

“Oh noooo,” he laughed softly. “And no more tattoos either.”


“Will you marry me again… for real?”

“I would be honored,” she breathed, touching his face, and memorizing this moment forever. “We should take a few pictures of the area, enjoy the stars, and then we can head back to find one of those little churches along the way.”

“And then I’ll make sure my wife remembers her wedding night this time around,” he teased playfully, nipping at her lip. “I love you, Em…”

“I love you, John.”

He hesitated, and if she thought his eyes were warm before, they melted openly before her.

“Say it again,” he breathed softly.

“I love you, John… always have,” she whispered tearfully, smiling up at him. “I can’t remember what life was like before I met you and don’t want to ever think about it again. Even if we are on opposite sides of the globe, you are still mine, my best friend and so much more… and I am always yours.”

“Yeah, you are…wife,” he said gruffly.

“Husband…” she replied, in the same husky tone.

“I’m gonna show you the stars in the sky… and then I’m going to make you see them behind your eyes, my love,” he breathed softly against her lips.

“Promises, promises,” she taunted tenderly.



Emily was happilysurprised at how enthusiastic John seemed to be regarding them getting married again. The moment the car turned onto the Las Vegas strip, he pulled into the first ‘church’ that they came to.

The neon lights were glistening everywhere, and they were surrounded by fake flowers, happy couples, and flashes from camera everywhere. Elvis came out to host one wedding, while a showgirl in costume hosted another, causing John to glance at her.

“… Do you have a preference?”

“… I kinda like the idea of Frank Sinatra,” she laughed easily smiling at him. “Do you think he sings during the wedding?”

“If not, I’ll certainly give it a shot,” John offered, grinning. “I don’t know how well I’ll do, and I don’t have blue eyes… but I’m willing to give it a go.”

“No, no, no…” she smiled, chuckling. “You don’t have to, and I really like your green eyes.”