Page 7 of Forever Friends

If he had returned five minutes sooner… it would have looked extremely bad, and he was completely innocent on any wrongdoing. Elmer had been so mad that his trap didn’t work.

John had been so relieved when the police had let him go – that was the most frightened he’d ever been… until he was kicked out of his home the next day.

“What do you mean, ‘Why do you say that?’John uttered quietly, frowning hard. “Of course, I’m gonna ask, because I don’t know anyone else or if this is a prank you are pulling on me. Think about it! I’m a grown man and if your kid sister is under eighteen? I amnotwriting her. I don’t need to be on some watch list or registry somewhere. I’ve had enough trauma in my life to hold me over until I’m ninety.”

“I wouldn’t ask you to write my sister if she was a minor, dude… really?”

“That’s why I’m asking!” John hissed under his breath. “How oldisyour sister?”

“Twenty-six… and this better not ever be likethat,” Hot Cakes said flatly, glaring at him. “Friendship – nothing more.”

John immediately relaxed his guard and smiled.

“I’m glad we are on the same page.”

“You’re on your guard, aren’t you?”

“Let’s just say that I’ve seen the worst of the worst in humanity – and it’s hard to trust anyone. When you think someone won’t let you down, they most assuredly will… heck, just look at Houdini.”

Hot Cakes got really quiet.

“I’m sorry,” John said openly. “I really like the guy. He’s great, super funny and so easy-going, but when you need your wingman… he’s gone? Every single time.”

“I know – and I’ve talked to him about it.”

“What’s his excuse?”

“He’s got a different one every time.”

“My point exactly,” John replied, nodding as he took the last bite of his food, washing it down with coffee. “Yeah, I’ll write your sister, and keeping it friendly will be easy. Like I said, not really interested in a relationship when I can’t give it my all.”

“I appreciate you telling me that more than you know.”

“God’s honest truth… and I ain’t no liar,” John smiled.

“But you are a redneck…”

“Nope, that was Armadillo. I’m a Cajun – even more than our own Cajun is.”

The two men got up, laughing, and went to put away their trays before leaving the mess hall.

* * *

That Friday,he received his first email from Hot Cakes’ sister, Jana.


* * *

Hey-a X-Ray,

My brother said you were looking for a pen pal – and that’s me! I’m a realtor and avid Star Wars fiend, geek extraordinaire… and generally an outgoing person.

How about you?

Talk soon!
