Page 57 of Forever Friends

I saw, according to your schedule, that most of your classes go until three or four in the evening… so we can do an evening cruise together and see the stars.

That sounds incredibly wonderful, and I can’t wait.


* * *

Beloved? You called me ‘beloved’?

Oh, mercy!

… I am fanning myself at how warm I suddenly feel. Do you really mean that?

I would love to go swimming, have dinner, and float around under the stars with you…

Will you hold me close like you did in the Cessna?

~ Emily

* * *

My darling Emily,

I meant every word and am completely enchanted by you. I can’t wait to see you, and hope desperately the next few months pass fast.

I will hold you in my arms as long as you like…


* * *

Emily sat there,her hands covering her mouth and chest, as if to stop the nervousness of her beating heart or prevent a shriek of happiness from escaping.

Her eyes were tearing up as she stared at the screen, realizing that while she never imagined being in a relationship with someone someday, she also couldn’t picture her world without John anymore… and it was going to be a long few months until May.



Sure enough,in January, the chaos started like a massive tidal wave had just washed directly over her, and she was clinging to anything to keep from sinking. Some nights she was up until midnight doing calculations, entering data, searching for alternatives to get someone a refund… while other times she went to bed at nine in the evening but awoke at three, getting started on her day.

John was writing her, trying to draw her out, and he knew she needed the attention but was trying to be patient. There simply weren’t enough hours in the day, and if she trusted someone? She would have hired someone to help her in the office part time.

It was already Valentine’s Day, and she had literally not even looked up. She was drowning in numbers, papers, files, in staggering amounts. There were baskets, boxes, files, and receipts everywhere. It would take one massive gust of wind to completely wreck her… and she was scanning, documenting, processing, as fast as humanly possible.

* * *


Are you taking care of yourself? I worry that you haven’t said much, and I know you are working a lot… but you need to make sure that you don’t burn out, too.

Can I call you this weekend?

Would you mind terribly?

I booked the boat for our trip – and made dinner reservations.

Write when you can,