Page 46 of Forever Friends

The woman has a heart of gold, and is so incredibly clever with a droll sense of humor that reminds me so much of you. Have I mentioned that I’m so glad we are friends?

I found a few more photos and attached them for you. Hope all is well there… and keep me posted on how things are going between the two of you!

I’m super excited!


P.S. Have you ever been to Greece or Cairo? Which place is more appealing and why?

* * *


Attributes? Like what?

What’s Emily looking for in a guy?

I mean, you don’t think me being stationed out here (can’t say due to safety) would be a drawback – do you? Oh man, I feel like such an adoring ‘dweeb’ (to use your words) because I’m trying so hard to impress her.

I really like Emily and soooo glad you ditched me – no offense. I’m seriously infatuated over here… do you think she feels the same? Has she said anything to you?


Don’t say anything to her about me asking… I’m not ten years old and I certainly know better – but if she reaches out to you, about me? Could you give me a hint? (or hit me upside the head?)



P.S. – no to Greece or Cairo. I’ve been to New Orleans, Georgia, and here. Oh, and Yonder, Texas

* * *

My dearest Emily,

I hope all is well and wanted to see if you would be available for a phone call maybe this weekend? How is everything? I really miss your smile and wish my phone got reception here, because I would ask you to text me a photo…

I was looking online at things to do in Vegas – and thought perhaps we could do something romantic? I’d love to take you to a show. Could you send me the dates so I can put in for vacation?

I’ll talk to you soon,





Drowning in paperwork,Emily was feeling so overwhelmed right now. She missed John terribly and wished he was here to cheer her up, except that he would just be a distraction.

There were so many forms to prep, so many updates to download, and she was already having files sent to her by people that had received their last paycheck stubs for the year.

“People do not listen,” she muttered aloud. “W-2’s are needed – not paycheck stubs.”

She was also pretty antsy because John hadn’t said anything about the package that she sent him – which only made her more on edge. She wanted to surprise him, send him something nice for Christmas, and hoped it would reach him before the holiday… but that was in three days, and she was kinda freaking out now.

Maybe the address was wrong? She could have crossed her numbers on the zip code… or what if he gave her the wrong one to throw her off the track?