Page 126 of Forever Friends

They stood at the airport together – and knowing that he was coming home in November, seemed to help both with saying ‘goodbye’.

“I feel so relieved,” he whispered against her head, where it was tucked under his chin as he held her close. Her arms were wrapped around him, holding him tightly, as he stood before the entrance to the security line to get screened.

“I’m so glad we are both okay with this…”

“I’m more than okay, Em…” he admitted. “I’m shocked at how thrilled I feel right now, just thinking about that sweet little belly swelling up like a basketball.”

“Gee, thanks.”

“You know I meant it out of sheer love…” John laughed playfully. “When I come home in November, you’ll be due in a few months, and I’ll be able to feel the baby moving, kicking, and see that sweet belly.”

“Can I say something silly?”

“There are no silly questions, remember?”

“I’m so relieved Karen and I are going to experience this together, because we can ask each other questions,” Emily said quietly. “I mean, if you aren’t going to be home for the first several months… it’s comforting to know she will be there if I need something.”

“Exactly – and I’m glad, too,” John admitted. “Plus, Jace will be back – and he’ll look out for you. If you need something lifted or need help, please reach out to him. He already volunteered to help however he could.”

“He did?”

“Yep. I asked him to check on you before I left Ghazni…” John said quietly, and was grateful that Emily couldn’t read his mind right now, because he hadn’t – but he was going to correct that the moment he returned.

He was going to beg the man if he had to… but someone was going to be checking on his wife and baby while he was gone.

“You are too sweet,” she said gently, reaching up to brush her nose against his. “I love how you look out for me.”

“I love you woman, more than you will ever know…”

“Je’ t’ aime plus que jamais maintenant,”she said quietly, blushing nervously, and he didn’t have the heart to tell her most of it was pronounced wrong, because it was the thought that counted. He loved that she was trying to honor his heritage, his background, and reaching out to him like that…

He cupped her cheeks, kissing her tenderly, knowing that he was going to have to head for the gates soon. This was just delaying the inevitable, and he would be home as quickly as possible.

Standing there, he poured every bit of his heart out to her in French, the language of love… because what he felt for her was so powerful, it was encompassing of everything.

Je rentre a la maison pour etre, l’homme que tu aimes. Je veux etre le pere de notre bebe et voir ton beau corps gonfler, my Coeur… tousjour.

“Whatever you just said… yeah, times two,” she smiled tearfully, laying her hands over his as she gazed at him with so much love that shone from her eyes.

“I said, ‘I’m coming home to you, to be the man you love. I am going to be the father to our baby and watch your body swell, my heart… always’,” he smiled tenderly, kissing her softly.

“Sounded better in French,” she teased tearfully.

“I thought so,” he chuckled. “I’ve got to go – but I’ll be back soon.”

“We’ll be waiting.”

“Let me know how your doctor’s appointments go, send me photos of the sonograms…”

“Oh shoot!” she said, instantly drawing back in horror and looking like she was about to break down in tears. “I forgot to show you. I can’t believe it!”

“Hon… I was a little busy lovin’ on my pretty bride,” he teased, nipping at her lip tenderly. “Can you take a photo and email it to me – so I can brag to the rest of the team that we’re gonna have a baby?”

“Yeah,” she chuckled tearfully. “Be sure to strut and brag all you want.”

“Oh, I’m gonna…” he laughed. “I feel extremely obnoxious right now, thinking that I’ve made you in that condition. I guess it’s a male hormone thing, because I really have the urge to tell everyone, beat on my chest, and scream in triumph…”

“Yeah, well, no screaming…” Emily smiled tearfully. “But when you come home? You feel free to beat on that gorgeous chest all you want while you rub lotion on my stretch marks.”