Page 12 of Forever Friends

Adjusting her dress,Emily was heartily glad that her sister’s wedding was finally here… and that she picked November to get married. For a CPA, December through the end of April were a nightmare, and full of long hours of crunching numbers.

She was also grateful… because it meant that she didn’t have to use the glue gun again on the flowers, ribbons, tulle, and other items that were needed to decorate the church. If she never saw floral ribbon or a glue stick again, it would be too soon!

… And she never expected the friend she’d made.

Jana was a sweetheart – and her sister was very lucky to have someone so carefree and fun as a sister-in-law. The woman was a ray of sunshine, playful, and laughing… with nary a negative thing to be said, except when they talked about ‘the single life’and men.

“Not everyone is as lucky as you two,” Jana said openly to Karen, as they ate before leaving to set up the church last night.

The surprising conversation and the candidness of it rang through Emily’s head as she gazed at her sister sitting there dutifully in the room, while someone put the last touches of makeup and hairspray on her perfect features before Karen walked down the aisle very soon.

“That’s for sure…” Emily had agreed easily.

“And there are some real duds out there…”

“Preach it, sister,” she chuckled, looking at Jana. “I’m tired of rejects.”

“Omigosh yesssss,” Jana had hissed, rolling her eyes emphatically as if to stress just how frustrated and disgusted she was with dating. Did this lovely woman have issues with guys too? Emily was pretty sure men would be tripping over themselves to say hello to the sweet girl who was lovely to behold… whereas they would just trip before Emily, running away.

“Sooo many rejects out there. Is it so hard to want to find a guy who has a job, is halfway decent, and sets your blood on fire? I mean, I didn’t think so, but I sure haven’t found him yet.”

“Girl,” Emily said flatly, commiserating with her. “Neither have I. Truthfully, I will happily deal with two out of the three qualifiers at this point. I mean, half-way decent and attractive? I can certainly deal with unemployed…”

“Or what about employed, sets your blood on fire, but is a complete loser…”

“I’m still in,” Jana laughed openly, high-fiving Emily, who was giggling in amusement.

“Truthfully, if he has a job, is a nice guy… but is like a brother…”

“Maybe not,” Jana said flatly, making a very unhappy face.

Emily nodded sagely and shivered in disgust.

Chase was a turd most of the time and she hated his nickname for her.Molemanwas just so unflattering, so brutal… and no, she would never date anyone that even remotely reminded her of a family member.

She’d heard people say, ‘Oh marry someone that reminds you of your father!’… but that was a hard and fast no.

She wanted someone strong, joyful, who wasn’t clingy in the slightest – the exact opposite of her dad. Her father cleaved to her mother’s wishes and could be quite somber most of the time…

A feature I inherited thanks to my gene pool, Emily mused wryly, but Karen’s next words, the sheer faith written all over her expressive face as she smiled at the two of them, had left her shaken… and hopeful.

“Ladies, do not settle…” Karen had said. “He’s out there – I promise.”

Her sister fully believed that, because she was marrying her soulmate, Jace.

The faith in that simple statement rang in her head repeatedly the next morning. Emily stood there watching the women flutter around Karen in her bridal gown, taking photos with her cell phone for her sister.

A knock at the door drew everyone to a halt.

“Ladies, are you about ready?” a dark-haired man asked politely as he cracked open the door.

“So ready…” Karen beamed, getting to her feet and shaking out the skirt of her ivory wedding gown. Jana stepped beside her, pulling one of the sheer veils into place.

“I’m happy for you both,” Jana whispered tenderly. “I’m so happy and wish you both many years of love.”

“You are beautiful, Karen…” Emily replied softly, seeing the intense emotion in her sister’s eyes, hugging her. “I love you, sis.”

“Love you, too,” Karen smiled, reaching for a Kleenex. “I’m going to be crying before I ever get to the chapel to renew our vows.”