Page 108 of Forever Friends

She’s so bitter and lonely that it ebbs off of her… making me want to grab her and hug her until she smiles.

How does someone end up like that?

… Enough sad stuff. I can’t go down that road mentally, and need to focus on the positive things in my life: YOU!

How are you? Did you have a chance to look at the calendar to see when you can come home for a visit? I thought maybe it would give us something to look forward to…

I picked up some goodies to mail you, because I wanted you to have a little bit of joy out there. Nothing embarrassing I promise – just a few books that sounded incredible to me, a few treats, etc.

I’m terribly exhausted and turning in for the night. I’ll write more tomorrow, and meeting the wives this Saturday for coffee and cupcakes.

I think of you all the time.

Yours always,




“Handsy?”John called out, yelling down the hallway towards the barracks room as he scanned the email from Emily. They were all going to be filing into the hallway within minutes to head towards the office where Reilly would be waiting to discuss yesterday’s mission…

“Hey – can someone grab Handsy?”

The man appeared in the doorway, looking a little annoyed – and John got out of his chair, waving him over. He had two emails from Emily, and this was the first one he read… and it really needed to be addressed.

“Look, I know it’s none of my business,” John began quietly in a hushed voice. “But I would want someone to tell me if something was going on back home. Your wife’s name is Meredith, isn’t it?”

“…Yeah,” the man whispered, staring at the screen, reading, before putting his head down in his hands and taking several deep breaths.

John wasn’t sure what to say or do, because he wasn’t that close to the man who was extremely solemn, quiet, and always just there in the corner.

He nodded, rising to his feet, and looked at John openly.

“Thank you,” Handsy began, hesitating. “I really appreciate it because that at least tells me what is in her mind and why she keeps… well, we have a tough time talking. I’ve got a starting point now, and that’s the first break I’ve had in years.”

“I thought you should know.”

“I appreciate it – and I need to check the calendar.”

“Going home?”

“Yep,” Handsy smiled sadly. “I think I’m going to buy some knee pads and come crawling for forgiveness. I had no idea she was thinking that, and not sure where it came from… but I’ve been told before that men can be dense. I’m apparently the world’s thickest numbskull out there to her.”

“I doubt that,” John said quietly. “I just think that maybe we all need a chance, some wild glimpse at hope, or a strong shove to get us moving in the right direction… I know I got my push recently, and am really grateful for it.”

“Congratulations again…” Handsy smiled. “Let’s get some coffee before we get berated by Reilly.”

John chuckled easily as Handsy put his arm around his shoulder, befriending and treating him as if it was Reaper, Hot Cakes, or Caboose there, instead of ‘one of the newbies’.

Yes, they were all coming together as a team, and it meant a lot – however, John was surprised at how his mind lingered on Emily now. Used to be it was the job, the team, then him… in that order.

The order had significantly changed – and it didn’t seem to bother him so much, but felt more comfortable. There was a realization that his home wasn’t here anymore… and it was wherever she was located.

His wife was first.

* * *