Page 8 of Forever Friends

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Hi Jana,

Yes, Hot Cakes said you would be emailing. It’s very nice to ‘meet’ you. I’m typically a very quiet person. I like to read books – and I’m a pilot.

What made you get into real estate?


John ‘X-Ray’ Masden

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Hey-a X-Ray,

What’s with the goofy call sign? Do you wear glasses or something? Talk about a short email in return… sheesh! You read? What kind of books do you read?

I know you are a pilot silly… not a surprise there. My brother, Jace, is a pilot too – hence the dorky call sign he has. Stupid-Carb-Lover calls himself ‘Hot Cakes’ and never gains an ounce… ugh.

I got into real estate because it’s illegal to peer in people’s windows.


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Hello Jana,

I believe I might have mis-read something or you forgot a sentence – perhaps some key words? You peer in people’s windows… so you got into real estate? Does your family know this?

No. I do not wear glasses.

My call sign was earned at the Academy.

I read all sorts of books. Fantasy, historical docu-dramas, etc. You name it and I will read it. I love to read because it’s an escape. I’m reading a graphic novel right now.

Do you read?


John ‘X-Ray’ Masden

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Hey-a X-Ray,

Nahhh… I didn’t forget any sentences, but you are truly funny! Talk about dry humor? Eh? I love to look at homes, see the interiors, and tour houses without having to make the mortgage payments. This lets me help people find their Forever Homes – and satisfies my curiosity, too.

Who has time to read?

I spend my time racing around town looking at places, researching properties, making appointments, and failing miserably at picking up men…

Why are men such boneheads? I mean, seriously. If I must feign an illness, ‘phone-a-friend’, or climb out of a bathroom window again…

I’m going to become a nun.


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