Page 74 of Forever Friends

“I remember a cab ride…”

“You do? To where? To there? Why would we take a cab if it was right outside the hotel?”

“I don’t know…” he admitted, swallowing. His Adam’s apple moved against her temple as she listened to his nervous heartbeat. “Did you wake up with that ring?”

“Yeah, I’m kinda wondering if the police are looking for us… did we rob someplace, or did we buy it?”

“I had it,” he admitted in a hushed breath, causing Emily to draw back in shock and horror.

After their discussion, talking about how he wasn’t ready to get married… he’d come here with an engagement ring? But he had no intention of asking her to marry him – or didn’t want to?

“You had a ring…with you?”

“I thought you were expecting a proposal and I didn’t want to hurt you, Emily. I would do anything to make you happy…”

“Except what you wanted?” she whispered painfully, pulling away from him. “You didn’twantto get married, remember? Why would you have a ring with you, if you didn’t want to marry anyone – including me? That doesn’t make any sense, John.”

John reached for her, and Emily side stepped him quickly, holding up her hands defensively.

She needed time to think and couldn’t do it if she was panicking or fielding a bunch of questions. Right now, her flight-or-fight hormones were charging forward… telling her to run!

“No… don’t touch me…”

“It’s a little late for that…”

“That’s not even funny…”

“I know it’s not. I’m not trying to be funny. We need to talk about things and figure out how to fix this.”

“Fix what?”

“We got married.”

“Are you sure?”

“Nooo,” she drawled sarcastically. “But I think I married someone.”

“Are you on the pill?” he asked.


“Of course not,” he muttered under his breath, causing her to draw up.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means that I couldn’t be that lucky…” he said, running a hand through his hair.

Emily stared at him in shock, disbelief, and hurt. She took off the ring and set it on the nightstand – only to see his horrified reaction.

“P-Put that b-back on, E-Emily,” he whispered painfully, his voice breaking with emotion as he stared at her.

“I don’t think so. I can’t stay here…” she began, and headed towards the door of the hotel room. “I’ll get another room and…”

John snatched up the ring off the nightstand and caught her by the door, hugging her again as she squirmed to get away, feeling a sob tear from her throat as she broke down crying against him. A wail ripped from her chest as she collapsed against him, hearing his own sobs as he held her close.

“Oh gosh, Emily. Please don’t cry, hon…” he begged softly, holding her close. “Emily, my love, please don’t cry… we can figure this out. We can get it annulled or something, if you want. I never meant to hurt you and I’m just really, really scared right now.”

Her heart was breaking painfully, realizing that everything she wanted most in this world was right before her very eyes… and the man she loved, who she wanted to share it with, didn’t want any of it.