Page 72 of Forever Friends

“With the most beautiful woman in the world,” he countered, tapping his large glass against hers as she smiled at him happily.



Her head hurt…and she heard a faint audible groan from nearby. Maybe that was her? No, she definitely heard a moan of pain and felt the floor move.

Was she lying on the floor?

No, she was lying on a bed and felt sick to her stomach. Her head was throbbing, and the room was spinning…

What was going on?

The sheets were scratchy and bothering her terribly...

Cracking open an eye, she winced with pain at the sun pouring into the room through the open curtains… and then both eyes shot open as she glimpsed the backside of John’s body as he stumbled into the bathroom.

His very blurry yet naked body.

There was no unseeing that, despite her lack of glasses!

Had they been drugged?



She didn’t remember a thing about last night – except in flashes. Feeling a wave of panic wash through her, she yanked up the sheets to see herself there lying in a t-shirt from the restaurant, smelling like chocolate, and she was also very indecent in only her t-shirt and panties.

“What just happened?” she whispered aloud – only to hear John curse loudly from the bathroom in a very panicked voice.

Climbing out of the bed, she backed away from it, creeping towards her suitcase and the kitchenette, looking for a way to hide for a moment, and desperately needing coffee to get her bearings.


She needed pants or something to cover herself right now! Grabbing a pair of shorts off the floor, she yanked them on… only to realize that they weren’t hers. A squeak escaped from her as she looked at her hand that had material bunched up to keep them from falling.

There was aringon her finger.

… Where did that come from?

An exceedingly beautiful diamond ring… aweddingring!

There was a diamond solitaire that had a halo of diamonds around it. Simple and stunning… butsooooout of place. Why did she have a wedding ring on her finger – and where did it come from?

Who was she married to? John?

This time it was Emily that cursed aloud.

John reappeared in the doorway, a towel wrapped around him, looking quite alarmed.

“What happened?” she blurted out, and then held up her finger. “And what is this?” she asked, pointing at the ring with her other hand, as the shorts fell to the ground, grateful that the kitchenette cabinets were between them, hiding her from the waist down.

“Don’t move from there – and where did this come from?” she asked quickly, before bending over to pick up the shorts again. “I’m trying not to panic or freak out… but oh my gosh! What happened, John? I don’t remember anything… do you?”

“Do you see a condom anywhere… anywhere at all, Emily?” John blurted out, looking almost as pale as she felt – and he kept staring at her hand. “Where did you get that ring? There’s gotta be one around here somewhere… right?”

“I have no idea!” she laughed fearfully, feeling panic take hold in her chest. “I’m hoping it’s fromyouand we aren’t about to meet some strange man claiming to be my husband… or whateverthisis…”