Page 71 of Forever Friends

“I’m game… Em?” John asked, letting her decide.

“Yes – and I’m actually ready to order.”

“Alright,” John said, holding out his hand for her menu. “We’ll order too.” Emily smiled and handed him her menu, before looking at the waiter.

“I’ll have the burger, medium-well, fully dressed… and a side of mac-n-cheese,” she said easily.

“I’ll have the same,” John replied easily, handing over the menus. “Do you have a restroom here?”

“Yes sir. Restrooms are in the back corner… and we’ve got some gifts to take home in this corner if you want to look for a souvenir of your trip. May I suggest the little hot cocoa mugs? They are adorable, and the t-shirts smell like chocolate too.”

“Oh, you are kidding…” Emily replied in amazement, smiling.

“I’ll be right back,” John said, getting to his feet. “I’m going to run to the restroom and wash my hands.”

“I’ll be right here,” she replied – and saw him lean over to kiss her cheek, immediately angling it upwards towards him.

This was so nice, just having him here and so wonderfully attentive,she thought idly, watching him walk off and admiring the way he moved.

John was so handsome, so masculine, that he just struck a nerve within her that was unexplainable. When he walked into a room, he was the only man she saw… and she could certainly see him in a red flannel shirt with an axe on his shoulder.

Her Brawny man…

“Rawrrr…” she whispered aloud, smiling to herself as the waiter returned carrying a tray with two massive drinks.

“Oh my gosh…” she gaped, stunned. That had to be the biggest martini glass she’d ever seen in her life – and John’s margarita looked like it held the entire bottle of tequila.

“The garnish on your drink is chocolate-caramel drizzle with some cherries dipped in ganache instead of olives. There is a spritz of chocolate crème… and it’s wonderfully sweet – one of my favorite drinks,” the waiter said openly. “The margarita has chocolate liqueur with a bit of lime to it. The salt rim is a spicy salt mix with some chocolate powder… it’s heady and wildly different. I’ll be back with your fries in just a few moments.”

John walked up at that moment and stared at the table.

“Those aremassivedrinks…”

“Right?” she laughed softly. “It’s gonna take two hands to lift them.”

“We’re gonna be drunk,” he admitted.

“Good thing the Forum shops are attached to the hotel, huh? We need to take photos of everything around us, because this is all so strange and surreal.”

“No kidding…”

Emily picked up her drink with both hands and saw John get out his phone to take a photo of her, chuckling happily as she took a sip. The pungent taste of vodka and chocolate were surprisingly good.

“Ohhh, mercy…” she breathed in a hushed whisper. “It’s like a liquid dessert. You have to try this, John.”

He nodded, taking the large glass from her and taking a small sip, his eyes widening in surprise.

“That’s incredibly sweet.”

John picked up his margarita, taking a sip, before handing it to her…

Taking a sip, her eyes widened at the sharp taste of lime combined with the sweetness of chocolate, as well as the heady flavor of the tequila. His drink burned a path down to her stomach, instantly causing warmth throughout her limbs.

“Those are dangerous…” she whispered, smiling.

“Right?” he grinned. “If I finish this whole thing, you’re gonna think I’m a lush.”

“Nahhh…” she protested, picking up her own glass again for another sip. “I’m going to think you are on vacation.”