Page 69 of Forever Friends

“You’re not mad?”

“No, I’m not mad.”

“Do you want another room?”

“We are not using that bed forthat…” she said bluntly, feeling her cheeks heat up with embarrassment. “We can sleep, be adults, and keep control of ourselves, because I have no urge to be a single mom or drag a guy down the aisle who isn’t sure about this…”

John nodded, swallowing.

“I like the room, it’s beautiful, and if I had my choice? I would prefer that we not switch rooms…” she said openly. “It’s lovely, cozy, and would give you someplace nice to lounge while I’m at the convention downstairs.”

“True… and I would prefer not to change rooms either, but I didn’t want to speak for you without us talking about it.”

“Thank you for that.”

“We’re good?” he said quietly, watching her.

“John,” she smiled at him, squeezing his hand gently. “We’regreat.”

“I’m glad,” he uttered openly, obviously relaxing in his seat. “Man, I was so scared you’d be mad or disappointed. I’ve been worried about this for a few days now.”

“Why didn’t you say something?”

“How am I supposed to tell the girl that I’m absolutely crazy about… that I’m scared to death of marriage,” he said warily, looking at her, his green eyes hopeful. “Don’t be mad, Em… just know that I’ve got some skeletons in my closet.”

“Don’t we all,” she replied softly, smiling at him. “So, you’re crazy about me?”

“You can’t tell?”

“Maybe that’s one of my skeletons… my own insecurity.”

John leaned forward, tugging on her hand to draw her close, before kissing her tenderly. His lips brushed against hers several times before deepening the kiss, before dragging himself away.

“I’ve gotta stop…”


“It’s not a far stretch from ‘crazy about you’to ‘madly in love’, my sweet Emily,” he confessed as he moved to hug her, instead of kissing her.

She tightened her arms around him, squeezing back tears as she clutched at the man she adored and could only dream of.

“Could you say that one more time for me…?” she whispered openly, needing to hear it again.

“I’m falling madly in love with you, Em…” John whispered against her neck. “Just give me time, be patient, and let me have my moments…”

“Done,” she replied tenderly. “What do you want to do first in Vegas?”

She felt him laugh under her arms where she held him in a hug, only to see him lean back, pulling away, before looking at her with a shy, hesitant smile.

“Was that a loaded question?”

“No…” she chuckled, blushing as she saw his eyes glance towards the bed before sliding back towards her. “Behave, John…”

“I’m trying.”

“Let’s go down to the shops, walk around, and find something for dinner… okay? Lake Mead is tomorrow, and then I’ve got reservations for the following evening. I didn’t have anything planned for tonight in case one of our flights got delayed.”

“That sounds great to me,” she smiled. “Let’s have some fun and look around. Do you like chocolate?”