Page 63 of Forever Friends

John turned off the water and reached for his towel, deep in thought. His own vacation was on the horizon, and everything Vapor was saying hit home in a way he never expected.

* * *

A week later,John was staring out the window of his flight, as they descended into McCarran International Airport. The fifteen-hour flight ended up actually taking close to twenty with his layovers, but it was well worth it.

Emily was supposed to have arrived about forty minutes earlier, and they agreed to meet at baggage claims. He had his cell phone, had it charged, and was going to text her once he got on the ground to let her know he’d arrived.

John hoped everything went well during their trip, and his discussion with Hot Cakes had put him on edge yesterday. The wildly insane discussion echoed in his head as people filed off of the airplane slowly… and he sat there.

“Hey X-Ray… got a second?”

John had been finishing up his lunch, about to stand up to put up his tray, when a steely hand gripped him on the shoulder. Hot Cakes sat down, staring at him intently.

“Where are you going on vacation again?”


“Funny thing…” Hot Cakes said evenly. “I got an email from my wife, and it turns out thather sisteris flying into Las Vegas for a convention – and is meeting afriend. Now, I’m going to ask you again, X-Ray: where are you flying to?”

“You already know,” John said bluntly, staring at him. “I’m meeting Emily and we are spending several days together.”

“Thought so… should my wife be alarmed or worried? Karen loves her sister very much, and Emily could end up easily hurt if you are just fooling around with her.”

“I’m not,” John said quietly, not looking away. “And that is all you need to know about my relationship with Emily.”

“Relationship, huh?” Hot Cakes grinned. “Fair enough. I hope you two have a nice time then.”

“If Karen guesses that we are going together, please tell her not to worry, and I have no intention of hurting my Emily.”

“Have a great time my friend,” Hot Cakes said gently, nodding, and looking at him. “Take lots of photos, have fun, and stop by the exchange and get anything you need before you fly out. Stuff is extremely costly overseas and in airports.”


“Engagement rings, some shorts to sleep in – and no, I don’t want to know if you are staying at the same hotel or not… perhaps some travel medication – or condoms?”

“You’re nosy, you know that?” John said flatly, feeling a sweat break out on his forehead. Did everyone know he was flying to meet up with his girlfriend?

Was Emily expecting him to pop the question?

“Hot Cakes?” John croaked nervously, looking at the other man as he was getting up from his seat. “Did Emily say something to her sister about expecting a ring from me?”

“Not that I’m aware of… but if things are serious between you two, you probably should start thinking about what your next steps are. That’s how people end up hurt - with miscommunication or misunderstandings…” he said quietly. “You would know much better than I would, if Emily is expecting you to pop the question.”

“What?” Ricochet and Ghost asked in unison as they walked in. “Are you popping the question to your girl when you fly out?”

“Y’all stop,” John said nervously. “That’s how rumors get started and…”

“You got her a ring yet?”


“So, youaren’tasking her to marry you?”

“I’ve thought about it… but…”

“You have? Really?”

“We are just talking, dating, well… talking. I mean, she’sthereand I’m overhere. I can’t just marry her, because I won’t be there to take care of her or provide…”