Page 60 of Forever Friends

“Yes,” she whispered, “because I desperately want to hug, hold, and kiss you, just so I know you are real and not a figment of my imagination… and no, because I need to find a pretty dress and a swimsuit if we are still going out to Lake Mead. I’m so sorry, I’ve been so distracted that I can’t remember, because we talked about several different places.”

“You said you wanted to go sky-diving and participate in a wildlife hike where we grill tarantulas over a fire, before eating them.”

“Now I know you are joking…” she laughed easily, and heard him join in.

“I’m just kidding,” he said tenderly.

“Are you getting back at me?”

“Maybe I was feeling a little neglected…” he admitted quietly.

“I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

“You don’t have to make up anything… just take care of yourself for me, okay? That, and perhaps you could wear a little bikini at Lake Mead?”

“Ugh…” she whimpered, drawing back and frowning. “I do not have the body for a bikini and…”

“Why don’t you let me be the judge of that – and no one is going to see you in that swimsuit but me.”

“That’s the whole reason I should get something that flaunts what I do have, not exposes what I don’t.”

“Are you going to think less of me if I don’t have a six pack on my abdomen?”


“Why would you think that I would think differently of you?”

“A bikini…” she said flatly.

“I would love that…” he whispered openly. “I think you are so beautiful, and I already imagine what you would look like coming out of the water, like my own breathtaking nymph…”

“Oh geez… did you hit your head, darling?” she whispered, stunned, and touched that he thought of her like that.

“Nope,” John replied, his voice full of emotion. “I think I got shot by an arrow when I wasn’t looking.”

“What do you mean?” she asked in a panic – and then laughed as the answer hit her. “You mean Cupid?”

“My brilliant woman…”

She could hear his smile on the other end of the phone and the amusement in his voice, wishing she could see him, and grateful it would be soon.

“I can’t wait to see you in a few weeks.”

“Me neither.”

“By the way,” she began shyly. “Happy five-month anniversary… can you believe it’s been five beautiful months since we took our first date and met?”

“The best five months in my entire life,” he said tenderly.

“A bikini?”

“I would love it, but wear what you want… I’ll be in heaven just being close to you regardless.”

“We’ll see.”

“My phone is counting down because my card is up, and I’m gonna lose the call, my love…”

“I adore that you call me that…”