Page 55 of Forever Friends

He was so thoughtful, so sweet, and it was incredibly giving for him to spoil her like this. She never really wore much jewelry, but couldn’t imagine not wearing the tasteful small pieces.

Leaning back, the Christmas tree behind her, she smiled happily in her Air Force shirt, and displaying her necklace and the bracelet, she took a photograph of herself and emailed it to him with a brief note.

* * *

My dearest John,

Merry Christmas – and thank you so much for the gifts.

I am so touched at how sweet, generous, and giving you are. I absolutely loved my T-shirt and imagined that you hugged it before packing it. The pen and pencil set are incredible and I’m such a pen snob. They are on my desk and will be the only things that I use… and the bracelet?

You are spoiling me, John…

The bracelet is lovely and fits just perfectly.

I may worry, get nervous, but I wouldn’t change a thing about us. I think of our kisses, the way we get along so well, and can’t wait to see you in May. I don’t care what we do or where we go, so long as I can spend time with you.



* * *

Early the next morning,she saw that John had replied to her email and she sat down with her coffee, reading with relish and joy.

Today was Christmas Day, and while it was completely lame or boring – she intended to get some work done just so she didn’t have that drowning sensation later on when her entire world felt like it was landing in her lap.

* * *

My sweet Emily…

Hearing your voice was the best Christmas present ever! I hope you liked your gifts and while I know they weren’t much? It’s what I could send from here.

I’m glad you liked the pen set… and I absolutely hugged that shirt before putting it in the box! The bracelet is special, and I’ll explain why eventually.

I’m looking around online at things to do in Vegas and wanted to see if you had a preference. I’ve got something already planned, something special, so I’m terribly excited to see your face. I hope the next few months pass fast, because I seriously can’t wait to hold you close again.

Thank you for sending me that photo of you…

My stars, you are the most breathtakingly beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I printed out your picture and put it inside the cockpit of my plane so I can see your smile before I touch the sky…

Yours always,


* * *

My dearest John,

I loved my gifts and slept in my new T-shirt last night. Can you send me a picture of you? I would really like to see what it’s like there for you and get a glimpse of your world. Yes, I adored everything you sent and about to wear that new pen out in the next few months.

Please bear with me, because the rat-race is starting. I’m here, I’ll try to reply and respond as much as possible, but this is where I make my income for the entire year practically… be patient and know I’m thinking of you.

You printed out my picture? Oh goodness! I’m blushing and a little nervous, because it wasn’t the best one that I’ve taken, that’s for sure… I guess I’ll need to get made up and send a better one to you instead.

Don’t think that I’m terrible, but I would like to see a show. I knew someone that went to see Phantom several years ago – but I don’t see it available anymore. Several of the shows are a bit more risqué than I would feel comfortable with, so maybe we can do something else?

How do you feel about taking a gondola ride – or seeing Hoover Dam?