Page 50 of Forever Friends

Emily nodded.

* * *

Hours later,she unlocked her office door and slid inside, before locking it behind her. There was an entrance to her apartment at the back of the building – as well as an outdoor entrance on the side with a long staircase up to the second floor.

Checking her email, she saw John’s handwritten note again… and his email. Touched, she traced his handwriting with her finger, her mind racing with all sorts of thoughts regarding what was building between them.

Clicking reply, she began to type.

* * *

My dearest John,

I would email you a photo… however I have been crying and my face is all red from tears. You see, I was having such a tough day today, my mother dropped by the office, I choked on some Chinese food, and then got chastised for not checking my mail… and found out about your package.

Oh, John…

I am so touched by the sweet thoughtfulness of your gift that I don’t know what to say. I love the sand inside the capsule. A piece of your world is right there, above my heart where it rests perfectly. There’s a faint whisper that is heard when it swishes around, almost like it’s talking to me…

I miss your smile so much – and your laughter.

I keep thinking of when we were sitting at Krazy Cajun eating shrimp with our fingers stained… and how natural it was. Nothing was forced, weird, or pretend – it was just two people that seemed to click. I like that I don’t have to feel that I have to pretend to be someone else with you.

Vegas? … It would be wonderful to do something romantic in Vegas with you. We could see a show, play the machines, go dancing, whatever you want to do – so long as we are ourselves, smiling and laughing again, together.

I’m sorry that I haven’t forwarded the dates to you. I’ve been drowning with end of the year paperwork to prep for taxes… and so glad I have this to look forward to in May.

I just sent you the hotel reservation and my flight information.

Please call…

You are welcome to call at any time on the weekends. Tax season is a little rougher because I might be with a client, but I try to shuffle them out the door by eight in the evening.

I honestly can’t wait to hear your voice.





John lookedup in confusion as a box was tossed on his bunk as they were handing out the mail. He picked it up and tossed it without looking to Ghost… who tossed it right back.

“It’s not for me, X-Ray,” Ghost smiled. “That’s got your name on it.”


“I’m pretty sure your last name is Masden… or at least that’s what’s stitched on the front of your shirt.”

John looked at the box in question and recognized Emily’s address.

Stunned, he gathered up the box and left the room, feeling several sets of eyes on him. He didn’t want anyone to see him get emotional, and he hadn’t received any mail or packages since he was a young teenager. There was simply no one to send him anything or look out for him – period.

Escaping into the computer room, he took the farthest cubicle from the door and gently opened the package, slicing through each piece of tape and unfolding the brown paper carefully.

Opening the box, he peered inside to see something glistening below, reflecting the fluorescent lights above his head. Reaching inside, careful not to damage the precious small box, he pulled out a small cold piece of metal… realizing it was a keychain with a small paper tag attached with a piece of elastic.