Page 48 of Forever Friends

If I can’t exist in your world?

Maybe I can send you a little piece of mine…? I’m going to miss your beautiful smile, and I hope this sits directly over your heart.

Thank you for being amazing.


“What is it? Who’s it from?” her mother questioned again and began to reach for the note – only to have Emily slap her hand down on it quickly.


“Mom,” she said thickly, taking a deep breath. “Hang on, okay?”

“Are you okay, sweetie?”

“I don’t know.”

Emily cracked open the velvet box and withdrew the necklace with the tiny glass capsule dangling from the silver chain… and inside there was a pinch of sand.

She stared at it for several moments as her eyes teared up. He was so kind, so gentle, and made her smile so much during the short time that he was here… but this?

Something likethiswas never expected.

John had sent this to her almost three weeks ago.

“Sweetie?” her mother began gently, handing her a tissue. “Are you okay? Talk to me. What’s going on?”

Emily looked at her mother and began sobbing, flinging her arms around her neck, needing comfort and to be held, because she was so scared to be hurt or have her heart broken… and she was sincerely interested in John.

“I need to see Nadine,” Emily whimpered.

“Shhh…” her mother whispered, smoothing back her hair and kissing her forehead. “Honey, have a good cry and then tell me all about who this mysterious person is. I don’t know why a glass capsule full of dirt…”

“Sand,” she sobbed, correcting her.

“Sand,” her mother amended, hugging her again. “I don’t know why the sand made you cry, but I hope it’s happy tears? Can you tell me what is going on?”

“Mama… I went out with one of the pilots from the wedding,” Emily began and took a deep breath, trembling with overwhelming emotion. “We went to dinner, then had coffee the next day, and he took me flying…”

“What? In an airplane?”

“No, on a scooter… yes, in an airplane. Pilot – remember?” she said flatly, sitting up and wiping her face before blowing her nose loudly. “He’s so sweet and nice… and I think he really likes me.”

“Of course, he likes you,” her mother protested softly. “You are so smart and clever…”

“Mama, he says I’m beautiful,” Emily whispered, feeling a fresh wave of tears resurface. “I’ve never had anyone call me beautiful or look at me in wonder like he does. John looks at me like I’ve just invented a new equation that will revolutionize algebra.”

“Because you are clever…”

“Because he fits me, my personality, and we are just alike.”

“Oh dear,” her mother began, causing Emily to look up sharply. “I’m kidding. I’m very proud my children are independent thinkers who can stand on their own. I would be extremely alarmed if you were the clingy type to fall in love the first time someone is kind to you.”

Emily felt an icy thread of alarm grip her chest… because it was true.

John was the first person that had been sweet and kind to her – and she was sincerely interested in him, could see herself falling for him, only her mother didn’t know any of that.

“May I see the note?”