Page 41 of Forever Friends

I miss you, too – more than I ever imagined.



* * *

Emily replied quickly,realizing that he’d just sent the email.

* * *

John – are you online now?

* * *

She didn’t havelong to wait as her computer dinged again, notifying her of the email response from him.

A thrill shot straight to her toes as she realized that this was giving her a chance to ‘talk’to him clear on the other side of the world, making her wonder what time it was over there…

* * *

Emily – hey! Yes, I’m at the computer station right now for just a few…

How are you?

Did you like the flowers?

I miss your smile terribly…

* * *


I’m good and working like crazy to keep me from focusing too much on saying goodbye. I don’t like goodbyes in the slightest… and no.

I’m not available in January.

I’m sorry.

That’s prime-time tax season for me…


* * *

Emily – what about February?

I can take time at the end of the month. Caboose already has Valentine’s Day secured… or else I would be there dressed as Cupid for ya!

John the Cherub

* * *


While that is a mental picture… and as tempting as it is to see you in a diaper? I’m going to have to decline. Unfortunately, I’m afraid February is out, too.

I am usually pinned down from the beginning of January until the end of April, early May, because of taxes and late filings.