Page 39 of Forever Friends


She burstout laughing at John’s email.

He was terribly goofy sometimes and so playful, but she adored it. He admitted to splashing her lemon juice just like she’d taunted him… and that he had secreted her away to keep her with him. Everything he said made her heart flutter in joy while sitting there at her desk, sipping on coffee, and starting her morning.

Processing her thoughts, she answered the phone, going about her day… only to have it interrupted about four hours later just when she was getting ready to microwave a TV dinner. She’d just finished the forms that she’d worked on all morning and needed to stretch her legs when she heard the small faint tinkle of the bell on the front door.

“Hello?” she said immediately, looking up.

“Delivery…” the man said, walking up and leaving a box.

Hesitating, and a little taken aback because she wasn’t expecting anything, she was left stunned that the driver literally dropped off the box and left without another word.

No signature?

Grabbing her scissors, she opened the box without checking the label and froze as the first whiff of sweetness hit her. Something smelled incredible and…

Emily saw the delicate blooms, dark green waxy leaves, and the white ceramic scrollwork of the delicate pot that contained the breathtaking little magnolia… and she smiled.

“Now I wonder who sent you…” she whispered to herself, reaching for the card as her mind raced.

This wasn’t the usual time that she would get things, usually it was a few more weeks that she would receive a little pine table topper or chocolates from a client. Sometimes it was around April, and once tax season was over – she’d get a bottle of wine if the return was more than they expected…

Unfolding the card, Emily’s heart staggered in her chest, beating wildly in disbelief and wonder as she looked at the flowers again.

For my little delicate flower… I miss you.

~ John

“What the…?”

Tears stung her eyes as she realized that he’d sent her flowers – sort of?

This wasn’t a normal romantic gift, something cliché like roses… no, this was him selecting something that was just between them. She wondered if it was his favorite flower, having grown up in the South…?

The bayou wasn’t near where you would think magnolias would grow – nor did he live somewhere fancy where the flowers would be tended to or pruned.

Did he really think of her as his delicate little flower?

Touched, she breathed deep the sweet, cloying perfume and smiled, before her stomach rumbled noisily. She put the little magnolia on the corner of her desk that faced the front door, realizing the perfume would fill the entire room.

Oh yes, this was much better than roses… and just as original as John.

Warming up her food, she sat back down at her computer and began to type the email that she’d been trying to figure out how to say, without coming off as too clingy or infatuated… because she was!

* * *

Dear John,

I knew you were stealing my lemon juice – and yes, that made me smile and brightened my morning… just like the magnolia that I just received.

I’m not sure what to say except that I’m stunned, flustered, and touched that you would think to do something like that. I keep smelling the flowers, re-reading the card, and realizing that I’m such a typical girl when it comes to whatever this budding friendship is…

I really like the cheesy (and bad) pick-up lines. Feel free to indulge in it all, because I’m embarrassed to admit it – but you are reaching me. If that was your whole goal, it’s working.

It’s working REALLY well.

The flight, having you share a part of yourself, was wonderful, and I look forward to getting to know more about you. It can’t be only the gorgeous smiles, roguish charm, and incredible kisses… there has to be substance there, so feel free to share anything about yourself, and I will do the same.