Page 38 of Forever Friends

Thank you,


* * *

Breathing a sigh,he clicked send and opened Emily’s email to respond. He wanted to reach out, connect with her, and find a way to make her smile. She could be so reserved sometimes – in fact – when he’d asked for her phone number and address for the fourth time… she finally handed him a business card.

While odd, she explained that her apartment was above her offices, and she owned the building… as well as the three acres behind the place. She liked her solitude, her space, and thrived on being her own person – and he liked that.

Confidence was sexy – and when it was something she knew? She was stunning… not just pretty and charming. It was like a transformation, and he was enchanted.

* * *

My dearest Emily,

I was touched to see that you wrote already… and I guess that means you might miss me?

I sure miss those sweet smiles and holding your hand. Who knew that I was a gypsy in a previous life? I could trace your hands for hours, memorizing those lines, and predicting which ones were our souls meeting for the first time…

Was that too cheesy?

Too much of a bad pick-up line?

I hope you are smiling and laughing at me right now… because I miss you terribly and need to know that I can do that from here.

I understand what you mean – I feel like we should be sitting at a table, sharing a platter of oysters, while secretly stealing your lemon juice by tapping our shells together.

Yup. I admit it freely now.

(I hope you are laughing again)

I can’t believe you think that us flying out to see the hovel that I grew up in was a gift? I was being incredibly selfish wanting to monopolize your afternoon and keep you to myself… it’s a fact.

Seeing my old stompin’ grounds?

That was just a bonus.

The true gift was me spending time with a girl that I think is incredible, and someone whom I want to see again… and again.

I’m exhausted and getting ready to turn in shortly, but I didn’t want to miss out on a chance to write you or tell you how much I am thinking about you. I keep staring at the photos on my phone – and the one where you are kissing me in the plane seriously makes my knees turn into jelly.

Thank you for sharing your time with me, those incredible sighs when I kissed you senseless – and your friendship.

I particularly like the kissing part… just FYI.

I miss you,


* * *

Clicking send,he opened up another tab on the computer screen, quickly placing an order before getting up from the desk to allow another airman to use the computer station.

He would check his email again tomorrow… and wondered what his Emily would say when she received the delivery he’d just set up – or the package in a week or so.

Chuckling happily, he smiled and pictured her flashing eyes or that soft pink blush on her cheeks, realizing that he was infatuated with his new girlfriend.