Page 37 of Forever Friends

Hello John,

This feels so strange to be writing you instead of laughing or cutting up with you over coffee or a cold beer. I really enjoyed spending time with you while you were here – and the gift you gave me in showing me your world, where you came from.

The brilliance of the sunset over the waters and seeing just how mysterious and ethereal a world it was, well, that was something I will never forget. I don’t usually travel much except for work… but our evening flight will stay with me forever.

Thank you for sharing your time with me – and your friendship.


* * *

His sweet girl was shy,and he knew it…

This was her, reaching out, yet neatly avoiding any discussion of their kisses or feelings. That was okay, because it was all so new between them, but he wasn’t going to let her recede that far into the shadows away from him…

Clicking on Jana’s email, he smiled.

* * *

Hey X-Ray,

It was nice to meet you and I’m so glad we had a chance to talk. Emily sent me a few photos from the wedding and if I get more, specifically of you-know-who, should I forward a few to you? It was great seeing everyone in uniform and playing dress-up for a little bit.

Can I ask you a question?

And you can tell me to go ‘pound sand’ if you want, my friend… but could you tell me a little bit about Vapor? What’s he like? I know you said to take things slow. I appreciate your words so much, so this is me researching things, as you said…

Chat soon!

Have a safe trip,


P.S. if you need info on Emily, I will happily reciprocate, my friend!

* * *

Cracking his knuckles,he decided to reply to both emails – not just Emily’s. He did want more information on his girl and what she was like… not just what he picked up from those all-too-brief moments.

If he was going ‘all-in’ and grasping at a chance for more, he wanted to know how to reach Emily… because he was feeling a little uncertain after mailing his package.

She was going to think he was a nitwit…

* * *

Dear Jana,

Thanks for writing. It was really nice to meet you too, and I truly appreciate your understanding in me cancelling our coffee date. Sounds like you might have had other plans with my friend anyhow…

Vapor is nice – and he’s truly a good guy past all the bravado, but maybe that’s just for us here, because we talk a lot of smack with each other. When you get him away from the other guys, he’s just a decent fellow that is kinda energetic.

I think if there was a group of us about to run a race… most of us would groan in dismay, I would stretch and prep myself because it was inevitable… but Vapor? He'd be at the front of the team, talking trash, and goading everyone to sprint to the finish line.

How would I describe him? Energy – sheer energy. He reminds me of you, honestly. You are both very outgoing personalities, but just take it easy and let yourself become friends.

He told me about the batting cages… good for you! Keep his ego in check… and yes!

Tell me everything you know about Emily, please – and send any pictures you have of her to my email.