Page 31 of Forever Friends

“Thanks. Which do you want me to take?”

“Go ahead and take Cessna 631,” Harley said easily. “It’s fully fueled and ready to go. Our last class just left for the day, so we are all cutting out a little early.”

“Sounds good.”

“Y’all have fun!”

John turned to Emily and held out his hand to her, waiting. She looked at him and shyly slipped her hand into his, as he walked her towards the hangar in the distance.

There were several planes there waiting, different shapes and sizes, and he walked directly towards the one on the far left of the building where the tail was clearly marked as ‘631’…

“Have you ever been in a Cessna?”


“C’mon,” he urged softly, taking her to the plane and opening the door, before sliding the seat back. “It’s going to feel a little different, but she’s a dependable, sweet little bird to fly… put your foot here and climb up inside.”

Emily did as he asked without question, and once she was seated on the chair, he nodded at her, smiling.

“You look good there,” he admitted openly, his eyes full of warmth and affection, causing her to blush wildly at this. “Let me plug in the jack for your headphones and mic… then I’m going to run through the preflight really quickly.”

“Take your time,” she retorted nervously. “Preflight sounds important.”

“I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

“Well, thank you for that,” she hesitated, before seeing his sweet smile as he glanced at her… only to see him prop his foot on the same small ledge that she’d done to get in the seat.

“Do I need to scoot…oh,” she breathed as he leaned upwards to her, touching the mic, and pulling it away from her face. “Did I mess it…”

John leaned in and brushed his lips against hers unexpectedly.

“Relax,” he murmured gently, before putting the mic down close to her lips again. “You want to keep this close so I can hear you when I get my headphones on, okay? I’ll be right back.”

She nodded, biting her lip, as he handed her the buckle before shutting the door, fastening it in place.

Fascinated, she watched him walk around the plane, touching the flaps, inspecting the wings, and pouring some fluid out into a canister before climbing up and pouring it back into someplace on the top. He spun the propeller, checked the wheels, and disappeared for a moment, allowing her enough time to dig her phone out of her purse to take a photo of the propeller in front of her.

“This is crazy…” she smiled and whispered aloud, only to jump guiltily as the other door opened suddenly.

“What’s crazy?” he chuckled easily.

“This… all of this,” she laughed nervously as the engine started up and the propeller that she’d previously been looking at was suddenly spinning as they coasted forward out of the hangar.

John was in his seat, putting on his headphones and adjusting his mic, flipping switches quickly before pulling the lever marked throttle.

“Excuse me,” he uttered, leaning over her to flip a switch towards the left that said, ‘oil pressure’and then moved it to the right, before drawing down another lever blindly… and looking at her.


This was all done so quickly, with such practiced ease, that she blinked.

“Ready for what?”

Instead of answering her, he grinned and hit the pedals, causing the plane to rush forward as it immediately surged off the ground.

Not sure what to say or do, Emily tried to peer over the massive cluster of screens and buttons right before her… only instead to peer out the side window in amazement. Everything around them, on the ground, was dwindling down to a petite status before her very eyes.

“… Em? Can you… ear… no?”