Page 30 of Forever Friends


“That’s why I want the phone, your number, and for us to email… so that way when I come back? It’s to see… to see my girlfriend,” his voice was quiet, almost hesitant.

Emily couldn’t believe the words.

“I thought you said you just wanted to be friends…” she whispered painfully, hoping he wasn’t just teasing or stringing her along. If he was, her heart couldn’t take it.

“I never… wait…did I?” he asked, confused.

“I thought so…”

“I thought thatyouonly wanted to be friends,” he smiled in understanding. “I mean, you leapt out of the car last night before I could kiss you and…”

“I was nervous and scared.”

“Of me?”

“Of all of this…” she admitted, waving a hand. “This is a little different for me, andextremelyintense.”

“Good,” he said bluntly, still smiling. “This is going to be a wild ride for us, if we let it… and I think I’m excited to take a chance to see where this goes.”


“Don’t be scared, Em. Just be yourself with me and let’s focus on getting to know each other a whole lot better. I’m really glad the chemistry is there, but I want to get to know that incredible woman behind that beautiful smile, too.”

“Are you sure?”

“Very much so,” he began and hesitated. “Are you interested in seeing where this goes between us, because if you aren’t? I understand and…”

“Yes,” she breathed fearfully, staring at him in wonder… only to see that smile widen even further, revealing slight dimples in his cheeks.

Oh goodness… dimples?!

“Let’s grasp at what little time we have left together, make it memorable, and treasure this friendship we have beginning… okay?”

Emily nodded, pretty certain she couldn’t speak from the lump in her throat or the excitement and hope coursing through her veins.

* * *

Two hours later,two Starbucks lattes in hand, and one shiny new cell phone in the center console of her car – they were pulling up to Flyboys.

If John wanted to whisk her away on an adventure, flying into the great blue yonder… who was she to say ‘no’?

Her extent of air travel was the rare convention to discuss tax law changes, networking, and other such items – in fact, she was due to go to one in a few months that she was absolutely dreading. No, she wasn’t afraid of heights, she hated dealing with flight delays, security checkpoints, and the rudeness of other people flying on planes.

“Hey Harley,” John began, waving at a woman walking out of the building as they pulled up. “I wanted to see if I could borrow one of the Cessnas for several hours. I’d be happy to pay for the fuel.”

The woman smiled brightly and nodded, looking curiously at Emily, before speaking.

“Testing the engine on an extended flight, huh,” Harley began easily, with air quotes and winking at John. “You don’t have to pay for the fuel, just log your time so I can put it in a spreadsheet as a business expense.”

“You’re the best.”

“What time will you be back?”

“After closing,” John admitted, causing Emily to glance at him in surprise. “I’ll bring the keys to the house, because I’ll need to pack up my things, too.”

“Sounds good. I’ll have a plate in the fridge waiting for you.”