Page 27 of Forever Friends

It was a done-deal.

He’d been so tempted to kiss her goodnight when they got to her car, but the moment he’d pulled into the parking lot, she’d nearly bolted.

“Alright,” Emily had announced smiling easily. “Here’s my ride. I guess we’ll do this again tomorrow at eleven?”

“Yes,” he replied, opening the car door to open hers for her… except she was out of the car in a flash, waving at him, leaving him stunned.

Maybe she really did want to be just friends?

Was this why she was so down-to-earth and easy to get along with – because she wasn’t attracted to him in return? He thought she was the way that they’d held hands and when she caught him looking at her neckline, seeing that gentle swell of creamy skin…

John closed his eyes and swallowed audibly in the darkness of the room. He needed to quit thinking about her, or he wasn’t going to get any sleep at all and would be exhausted tomorrow.

And tomorrow, he was determined to kiss Emily.



Emily laythere in her bed, hands tucked behind her head, staring up at the ceiling of her bedroom, thinking. The entire thing replayed in her mind, moment by moment, looking for the signs that he wanted to be just friends as he’d told Jana.

… And the man actually cancelled his coffee date with Jana to go with her!

Why would someone who wanted to be ‘just friends’be so outgoing, so sweet, so tender… if he wasn’t interested? For a moment there, when he laced his fingers with hers, she could have seen something special there blossoming between them, but…

They were both greasy and stained with shrimp boil.

That wasn’t exactly a suave, sexy, memorable first date.

That was something ‘buddies’did, especially eating as much as they did and throwing back beers like it was nothing. Maybe it was, because he sure didn’t try to kiss her when they got back to the church… and she was so nervous that she got out of the vehicle quickly – and he’d let her.

Emily sighed softly.

John was so incredibly gorgeous.

Those bright, intelligent green eyes sparkled like a pale emerald, but that smile? Oh, my goodness, that breathtaking smile?

His wide smile gleamed with happiness and those pearly whites just made her weak at the knees. She adored a smile that came from within… and he had it in spades!

She joked about people having Chiclet teeth like her. She was OCD when it came to her hygiene, because after years of braces, wax, little rubber bands that popped at the most inappropriate times causing severe pain, and canker sores… she wasn’t going to have her teeth go crooked once again.

He obviously felt the same about his own.

That tanned skin, shadow of facial hair that seemed to be just perfect… oh yes, she was ga-ga over the entire package that he presented, including that heady, woodsy smell that was just him.

She knew deep down in her heart there was no way he was really interested in her – and she had no intention of having her heart broken if he was just having a good time dallying with someone while in town. He flat out told her he was flying back and hadn’t made any promises other than he wanted to get to know her better via email or possible phone calls.

She could email someone – that was no problem.

She emailed people all the time. Friends, family members, clients, etc… email was a safe world where she got to ‘hide’behind a monitor. It didn’t matter that she wore glasses or had a flat chest, because no one could see it. They just got to know her personality… which wasn’t the greatest either.

Part of her wondered if he would actually show tomorrow, or if it was a gentle let down? Maybe it was that insecure voice that kept telling her it would never be more than friendship… and that voice had been correct so many other times, that she was wary of everything.

“You need to go to bed, Em…” she whispered aloud, before rolling over in bed.

If he ditched her, it wouldn’t be the end of the world.

Would it hurt?Yes.