Page 22 of Forever Friends

“Get in the car,” he said simply, and walked to the other side to get in the driver’s seat without another word. Weakly, Emily slid down into the seat, silent, and adjusted her skirts, before shutting the door as he started the vehicle.

“We can go anywhere,” she began quietly. “I didn’t mean to make you upset, or we can simply cancel, you know…”

“Emily,” he started, and there was something in his voice that caused her to look at him – only to see his confused expression and disbelief on his features. “Is itthatgood?”


“And you aren’t doing this because I sound like I’m from there?”

“You have a bit of a twang, but I figured you were from Texas, too – but I could just hear it on you. I don’t ever hear it on myself, but when I go to conferences the people there say that I talk slowly with a heavy accent.”

“Remember when I said I had awful table manners?” he smiled softly – holding her gaze, before reaching across the seat to hold her hand. “I’m going to need napkins big time – and will probably ditch my uniform jacket and overshirt, wearing only a t-shirt… if you are okay with that? Do you need to change if you want to go there?”

“Are you going to be embarrassed if I’m overdressed?”

“Are you?”

“Nahhh…” Emily smiled. “Becky and Tommy know me and will probably just think that…”

“You know them by name?” he chuckled, beaming at her. “It’sthatgood?”

“Yes,” she nodded.

“Allons-y,”he replied easily in French. “Let’s go – and the throw-down can commence.”

“You have no idea,” she smiled.

* * *

Thirty minutes later,they were seated at a table and Emily was trying not to stare at her unexpected date… nor his incredibly tanned, muscular arms.

Sure enough, when they pulled up to the restaurant – John had immediately gotten out of the car, shucked his uniform jacket laying it on the back seat of the sedan, and unbuttoned his pressed shirt, leaving him in a crisp, white T-shirt.

“You’re going to get that shirt stained,” she warned. “We might be able to get you a plastic bib or something.”

“Nope,” he smiled. “What ‘bout your dress?”

“I’ll never wear it again,” she shrugged, and saw the look of surprise on his face. “If you repeat that to Karen, I will deny it until I’m blue in the face.”

He laughed and held up both hands in surrender.

“I’m not sayin’ a word.”

Emily looked up and waved shyly.

“Heyyyy there, Emily. Dining in today?”


“Do you know what you want or the usual?”

“You have a usual?” John asked, chuckling as he quickly flipped over the laminated menu. “What do you normally get, Emily?”

“I get the spicy shrimp boil to go usually…” she hesitated, feeling embarrassed, but really glad she was getting to eat her favorite food, too. This atmosphere would be more relaxed than anything and she was hoping that John would like the place. “But I’m seriously hungry, Tommy. Can I get extra corn and a half dozen oysters on the shell with some horseradish? Lots of lemon too, please.”

John cursed under his breath, chuckled, and slapped down the menu looking thoroughly pleased.

“You know what? Make that two of everything, if you don’t mind,” he smiled, looking at Emily… and happier than ever.