Page 18 of Forever Friends

“When we left the sanctuary, she grabbed me and pulled me into the janitor’s closet to talk, but I almost fell into the mop bucket that was full of dingy water…”

John nodded, realizing that was why she was holding her skirts, and felt like a complete buffoon assuming the worst possible notion immediately.

Was he so very guarded and jaded when it came to people?

“Jana didn’t want to hurt your feelings, saying that you were friends, but she also asked me to come talk to you.”

Wincing, he realized it was his turn to ask for mercy.

This poor woman had been coerced into talking and dancing with someone she didn’t like – him. All for the sake of friendship? That was an incredible friend to ‘take one for the team’… he realized.

“I don’t want your pity either,” he whispered, taking one last breath of her lovely scent before releasing her… only to feel her practically scramble back into his arms, causing him to laugh softly in surprise and wonder.

Who was this enchanting creature?he mused, fascinated.

“You don’t have to dance with me if you don’t want to. I won’t tell a soul, Emily,” he promised, realizing that she was indeed an incredible friend if she was willing to fight to maintain this mockery, simply to keep Jana happy.

“No games, John?” she whispered – and he tightened, expecting the worst to befall him, right there on the dance floor.

“No games, Em…” the shortened version of her name rolled so easily off his tongue, and she didn’t seem to mind at all.

“I’d like to keep dancing,” she murmured faintly. “I’ve never done it before, and it’s exceedingly nice – if you don’t mind? There’s nothing expected or asked of you, no strings attached or anything weird. Just a few simple dances, if you don’t mind. I could use a friend, if that’s okay? We can be just friends, nothing else. I’m certainly okay with that.”

“I don’t mind,” he replied blankly as each word softly spoken near his ear was like a dart being thrown onto a board.

No strings attached…

Nothing expected of you…

I’ve never danced before…

… and it’s exceedingly nice?

We can be just friends, nothing else?

That was practically every bell that needed to be rung within him. Yeah, he thought she was gorgeous, but he wasn’t ready to go much further than friendship, because of where he was stationed. The words echoing in his head…

If I can’t give my all, then I’m not ready for a relationship…

But Emily wasn’t asking for anything more than friendship – and said openly she could use a friend. Heck, so could he! Writing Jana was okay, but he struggled with what to say sometimes… but being near Emily seemed so easy, so comfortable, that he had to hold himself back, because he wasn’t ready for more.

“I think I would like that a lot,” John admitted. “Do you want to grab dinner later – as friends?”

Emily lifted her head from his shoulder, looking at him in sheer amazement as her eyes searched his face, looking for any signs that something was ‘off’ in his simple question… and smiled.

Oh gosh, that incredible visage that practically glowed before him made his knees buckle, like someone had kicked the back of one of them.

“I would really like that,” she replied.

“Good,” he replied, matching her smile easily.

* * *

John excusedhimself for a moment when Emily said she was going to run to the restroom to freshen up before they left for dinner shortly. He had spotted Jana leaving the reception, realizing that she’d avoided him the entire time, instead preferring to dance with Vapor.

As she was getting ready to walk out of the building, he caught up with Jana, following her.

“Hey… I was hoping we’d have a chance to talk, friend,” John said quietly, standing in the hallway with his hands in his pockets, trying not to be too pushy but wanting to clear the air. She was the one person he’d talked to from the ‘outside world’ and he didn’t want to ruin a friendship with her by going to dinner with Emily. “I saw you and Vapor – and I’m worried.”