Page 16 of Forever Friends

“Go,” Emily ordered nervously, dropping her hands and taking a deep breath again. “Before I change my mind…”

“I’msooooogone,” Jana whispered, yanking open the janitor’s door and darting into the hallway, leaving Emily there to figure out how exactly to handle this… and the door to the janitor’s closet wide open for several curious onlookers to gawk at her.



Interesting…John mused idly, watching his friend dart out the doorway leading outside, where Vapor had just walked past puffing on a cigarette.

He’d almost stepped out into the sunlight himself, just needing a second to think, because he was definitely confused down to his very core.

Who was that other woman?

He had been standing there in the hallway, in line as directed, and turned, thinking that it would be him meeting his pen pal, Jana, for the first time. He was eager to say ‘hello’and put a face to the mysterious yet outlandish friend he’d made… only to feel a flicker of awareness bubble within his soul as she moved past him to take Vapor’s arm.

He'd smiled at her – and she’d walked past him like it was nothing, but he could have sworn there was something there in that singular look they’d exchanged… but I suppose not,he mused.

… And those eyes?

Those beautiful eyes were the loneliest he’d ever seen.

Jana, however, apparently had no qualms at harnessing that boldness within her and going after what she wanted. Poor Vapor didn’t know what was about to hit him… literally.

Jana was targeting him – and her brother Hot Cakes was going to beat the man to a pulp after having warned them all to leave her alone.

Turning back towards the reception hall, he spotted the mysterious woman who’d caught his eye… emerging from a janitor’s closet and shaking her skirts down into place from where they’d obviously been pulled upwards – frowning deeply.

He never pictured her as a loose woman… and that didn’t sit well with him at all. No, with that delicate, classical bone structure – she reminded him of Minerva, one of the Roman goddesses that he’d read about. Strong features, bold yet pure, and forever untouched…

He never imagined her as a girl to toss her skirts for a quick romp in a janitor’s closet of all places – at her sister’s wedding on top of it all!

“Hey man, you okay?” Hot Cakes asked easily, smiling widely.

“Yep,” John said tightly, watching her walk towards the reception hall where they stood in the open doorway.

“Emily is a little tough to handle…”

“Apparently not so tough…” he muttered and winced, biting his tongue at having his innermost thoughts slip.

“Karen’s sister is a sweetheart,” Jace stressed smiling, laying a hand on his shoulder. “She’s just very… blunt? Cold? Hard to handle in large doses sometimes? But I think that is only because she’s misunderstood and exceedingly lonely.”

“I don’t think she’sthatlonely, Hot Cakes…”

“Yeah, she is, brother,” Hot Cakes replied, squeezing his shoulder. “I’d bet the farm on that fact, and you should say ‘hello’… where’s Jana?”

“Bathroom,” John blurted out, not sure what to say, and didn’t want to rat his pen pal out or create a ruckus during the reception when Hot Cakes hammered Vapor’s hide to the wall.

“Gotcha – well, I’m off to dance with my wife. Smile, buddy… relax and have a nice time. Go dance with Emily. If not for yourself, do it for Karen’s sake. She worries about her sometimes.”

John nodded politely, not answering as Emily walked over towards him.

“Hello,” she said, her voice shaking. “I’m…”

“Emily Marks.”

“Oh?” she started, making her eyes widen behind her glasses as she looked at him… and smiled softly. “You have green eyes,” she whispered – and then looked away, blushing furiously.

“Yep,” he frowned, realizing that this certainly didn’t match the woman that had emerged from the closet… and looked up to see Hot Cakes watching him.