Page 113 of Forever Friends

“Right?” Chase laughed. “I mean, talk about being lucky… eh?”

“What did you even see in her?”

“I was eighteen and hormonal… to be honest? I saw myself…”

“CHASE MARKS!” Karen snapped. “You are a troll!”

“And you sound like her?” Chase pointed at Emily – who rolled her eyes and snatched the pregnancy test from her brother’s hand.

“I’m going to the bathroom while you two hash this out…” Emily snapped, disappearing behind the bathroom door. It took barely seconds for the second line to appear in the window.

She closed her eyes in understanding and acceptance.


“Emily?” Karen said knocking on the door. “Well? What’s it say?”

“Em, Karen wants to know if you peed on the stick and there were two blue lines,” Chase hollered loudly, causing both girls to curse on opposite sides of the door.

“Chase – you are still being a troll.”

“A genetic gift,” he taunted the moment Emily opened the bathroom door. She met her brother’s eyes… and he smiled, as Karen covered her mouth happily, launching herself at Emily, hugging her.

“Congratulations, little momma,” Chase beamed. “I can’t wait to meet my new brother-in-law. Dinner is going to be phenomenal on Friday night. Just wait til’ Mom and Dad find out that I’m not the biggest wild child in the family… but it’s our shy, little Emily.”

“Chase… knock it off.”

“I just can’t see it, you know?”

“I’m your sister – SO DON’T,” Emily snapped. “Don’t see, picture, imagine, or wonder anything about my marriage – and you keep your pie-hole shut, Chase, or I will superglue it shut for you. Am I clear?”

“Ugh,” Chase made a face, but his eyes danced with delight. “You’re ruining my fun.”

“I’m going to ruin your chance to have children again if you blab about this to any of your friends, coworkers, or our parents,” Emily snarled. “The first person to find out about me being pregnant is John – am I clear?”

“She’s right,” Karen said in agreement. “Emily needs to tell John first, before someone else does – and you know how gossip flies in this town. I mean, just look at what happened when Honey started dating one of the other firefighters on your team? That was a nightmare for you, remember?”

“Can we please not discuss my ex anymore?” Chase whimpered, rubbing his chest. “I’m getting heartburn and indigestion. Where’s the Tums, Em?”

“Above the sink.”

“You need to see an obstetrician before John gets here,” Karen said gently. “Do you want me to go with you?”

“I don’t know,” Emily whispered. “I’m still trying to process all of this and…”

“Why don’t I find out from Harley or Glory who their doctor was…”

“NO!” Emily hollered in sheer panic, snatching her sister’s phone from her hand. “Oh my gosh, nooo! They will say something to Thumper or Alpo, it will get to Jace… Jace will think it’s you that’s pregnant or tell John… no! No one can know.”

“Emily,” Karen smiled softly. “I might need the information for myself, too.”

Chase spat out the water he was drinking over the sink all over the wallpaper, the windowsill, and the glass as he choked wildly, looking at the two of them with bugged eyes.

“You…” Emily whispered in disbelief. “You’re pregnant? Karen? Both of us? You’re kidding me?”

“OH MY GOSH… IT’S IN THE WATER?!” Chase croaked out noisily, putting a finger down his throat and gagging over the sink. “Mercy, I cannot get some girl pregnant… oh gosh, I seriously need to vomit up the glass I just chugged down…”

Both women looked at Chase in shock.