Page 102 of Forever Friends

“Yep, I took Karen to Padre Island.”

“I know where Yonder is very well,” Maestro said quietly, looking shell-shocked. “We can go anytime?”

“Anytime you have vacation time available,” Hot Cakes shrugged. “Why? Do you want to be set up too? I don’t know if Reilly will let three of us go at once, and Caboose is still out…”

“I don’t want to be set up with a blind date,” Maestro mumbled, before looking around the room quietly. “I’d like to see my kid.”

“You have a kid?”

“He’s two…”

“You’re married?”

“It’s a long story,” Maestro said evasively. “Can you go at any time – for a week at a time? If I wanted to go four times a year… I could?”

“Yeah, I’m sure they won’t mind.”

“If they do,” Reaper interrupted, his voice gentle. “My wife and I own a bed and breakfast in Yonder – you can stay with my family, if you need to, Maestro. I get home to see my son Ben and Sophie whenever I can… go see your kid, brother. We can figure out the details.”

“Thank you.”

“You betcha…” Reaper acknowledged. “You are part of the team, a part of our family now… and Ghost’s wingman, remember? We’ve got each other’s backs – always.”

“ALWAYS!” several of the men shouted loudly as if it was their mantra, their war cry.

X-Ray looked at the other men smiling and patting each other on the back, realizing that he indeed was blessed beyond reason, because he had a bigger family than he ever imagined.

Not only did he have a team of brothers here? He now had a new sister-in-law with Karen, two new brothers-in-law with Jace and Chase, the entire team at Flyboys…

… And his beloved wife.

He might have started out a no-good kid from the bayou, barefoot, hungry, and wretched, before joining the Air Force for a place to sleep and a hot meal… but he had a home, a family, and a future now that was breathtakingly beautiful to behold.

His eyes stung with tears as he was suddenly swamped with questions about his wedding ring… they laughed at the tattoo on his finger… and hugged him, patted him on the back, and welcomed him ‘home’.



Emily walkedaround her house and office in a daze.

It had been less than twenty-four hours since she got home, and nothing felt right. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but everything was ‘off’somehow. The lights weren’t as bright, her bed wasn’t as comfortable, food tasted ‘off’somewhat… and she was desperately lonely – a fact she was keeping to herself, because she knew deep in her heart that John was feeling the same.

His text message said so much… and she had sobbed in the car for twenty minutes before leaving the airport parking lot. She tried to send him a text message, and thank goodness he’d warned her about how horrible the reception was out there, or she would have panicked.

As it was, she sent him an email, pouring out as much happiness, laughter, and playfulness as she could into the letter… without trying to be negative about any of it. It wouldn’t help things to bring him down, and she wanted to know he was smiling somewhere out there.

* * *

Hey Husband,

My, my, my… that sure looks good addressing you like that. I got your text message and returned home late yesterday. We had a three-hour layover due to a mechanical problem with the plane while I was in Denver.

Noooo problem! They are welcome to take as long as they need to fix it – right?

I was looking around the place and started a list of things to have waiting for you when you come home. I’m so excited, and want to make you feel welcome.

Let me know if there are any specific brands or colors you want – okay?