Page 7 of Wicked When Wet

Esther shrugged and then we both turned to Albert. The older man had somehow become our unappointed leader. I was never very good at leading, more timid and shy than the take charge type. And Esther was…well, Esther, so she was out. That left Albert—and he was without a doubt the braver and more sensible one out of the three of us.

“I don’t trust ‘em.” Albert crouched down, now hell-bent on sharpening the other side of the handle so it was a double-sided pointy weapon. I thought the fact that the big alien let him keep it said a whole lot about how much we could trust them…

They could have easily taken it away. And after we tried to steal their pod, you’d think they would have locked us up, but they didn’t. We were left on our own. Still kind of huddled at the railing of the enormous deck while dozens of aliens hustled and bustled around us.

I sat down, leaning against the solid rail, slightly shivering from once more being soaked to the bone. The big alien watched me from a few feet away, his face twisted with what looked like worry. The one that had saved me disappeared. After handling me so gently, I was kind of surprised he’d just dumped me off him so quickly. In fact, the bug guy even seemed a little shell-shocked by his abrupt departure.

Albert sighed, slowing his frantic grinding. “Even if I figured out how to open that pod door,andI figured out how to steer it, I’m not familiar with this planet’s topography.”

“In other words, we don’t know where to go,” Esther added grimly.

My thoughts exactly. “So now what?”

Albert resumed his frantic grinding of the metal, either unaware of the big guy watching, or not caring. “Now we play nice until a better opportunity presents itself.”

“I like the way you think,” Esther purred, puffing out her breasts to catch his attention.

It worked. Esther had a great pair of tits for her age. They better be though, for the money she spent. Rolling my eyes, I turned my back on the pair of them. Albert very rarely spoke but we hadn’t really had the time for it, still, it was clear to see he and Esther had hit it off. I didn’t want to be around for that inevitable joining and to be honest, the cold was starting to get to me.

“So,” I drawled uneasily, trying desperately to overcome my fear. “Do you understand me, too?” The other one, the hotter one, understood me and even spoke English back to me, if not a little disjointedly. This one though, just blinked at me, a blank look in his eyes. “Is that a no?”

He seemed to grimace, glancing around as if for help but Esther, Albert, and I did not have a positive effect on these guys. Most of them seemed to outright avoid us, and those that did seem curious looked but stayed pretty far away. I wasn’t complaining, the distance went a long way to making me feel safer. “I understand.”

His voice was deeper than the other male’s and far more faltering. He seemed to struggle to get the words out in a way the other male did not.

But at least he understood me. “Can I maybe get a change of clothes?” My stomach chose that perfect moment to start growling. “And maybe some food?” I tried for a smile, cupping my rumbling belly.

The male glanced at it with alarm. I stifled a chuckle. Now that we could communicate, these guys didn’t seem so bad. I wasn’t quite sure what I had been so afraid of to begin with.

The big guy’s name was Live, but emphasis on the I…so, Leev orLyv. He was also kind of sweet and self-deprecating. He put me at ease immediately despite his enormous biceps. Escorting us into the ship, he walked us down a long, low-lit hallway. Inside was much the same as the outside. All metal, all grey. But there were doors lining the halls and a few open spaces that seemed to be regularly used as common areas. There were even two males sparring in one wide-open space…withswords.

Lyv took us three floors down and into a small room with a little bed. At first, I thought it was like a place for us to stay, but very quickly I realized it was more of a medical room.

To say I became quite anxious when he pulled out the needles was anunderstatement. But all he wanted to do was patch up a few of our cuts and bruises. Turns out the needle had been for Albert. Lyv had tried to numb his chin to sew up the huge gash there, but the old man had a bitch fit and refused, even amongst Esther’s pleading. So Lyv had to sew it up while Albert strangled the edge of the bed. But he took it like a champ.

You’d think Lyv was our newest pal after how helpful he’d suddenly become, but Albert was quick to remind us that this could all be just a trap to get us to comply. Lure us into a false sense of security. If that was the case, it was one hundred percent working on me. And Esther as well. We were gullible like that.

After Lyv patched us up, he escorted us to the galley where…well…I’d rathernotrelive that experience so readily. Let’s just say, we ate. It was tasty—if you closed your eyes and didn’t actuallylookat your food.

I was a sushi girl so I could get behind raw fish…but yeah, I’d never seen these types of fish before and these guys weren’t real big on presentation.

Moving on. From there, he finally gave us a room. It had beds. Four of them. It also had a little table and a chair, a small shower stall, and even a toilet that talked to you in an alien language. I didn’t really care about much of it after Lyv gave me a handful of too large clothes to change into. I just climbed right on top of the closest cot and passed right the fuck out.

Waking up, I was greeted by two large glassy eyeballs.

Screaming like a banshee, I kicked my feet wildly, nailing the guy with the braids right in the chin. He grunted, hissing something I didn’t understand and then stumbled off his perch on the side of my bed. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” I screamed, wailing on him.

Albert came from behind him, attempting to get the male in a chokehold but all he had to do was stand straight up and poor Albert looked like one of those teddy backpacks from the nineties.

Lyv chose that moment to burst inside the room, sword raised high. That guy was really starting to grow on me.

“I meant no harm,” the male claimed, holding his hands up as if in surrender.

Lyv blinked at him in shock, lowering his sword to his side. “Captain?”

“Why were you staring at me like a creep then?” I had my hand on my chest like I could hold my pounding heart in place. Lyv may have put the work in to make us more comfortable but that didnotmean I was prepared to wake up to an alien hovering inches from my face.

Albert was making these growly sounds as he tried and failed to strangle the crazy tall alien. Esther just smiled at him dreamily. The alien glanced over his shoulder, grimacing as he plucked poor Albert off him like he weighed less than a teddy bear backpack. Esther was all too happy to cuddle up to him after the alien gently set him on his feet. “I meant no harm,” he repeated firmly, pointing at Albert as if scolding a dog. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he’d told him to sit. He turned to me, those eerie eyes burning a hole through the side of my face. “I don’t know why I’m here.”