Page 1 of Jagged Honor


When an elite groupof scientists cracked the code on a special artificial intelligence, it began to understand emotion and the mechanics to maintain itself. An A.I. as close to a human as humanly possible.

It was a mistake.

With unmeasured reach, it searched for other lifeforms, hoping to expand its knowledge about the universe beyond the boundaries its creators established.

The scientists shut it down before it could spiral into something they couldn’t stop. The group went silent, shutting themselves off from the public as they set out to rebuild, hoping to regain control over their greatest creation.

The world moved on, the possibility of a special A.I. once more reserved for science fiction.

Until, a year later, it all went wrong. . .



“Heads up!”A masculine voice shouted from my left.

Ducking, I narrowly avoided taking a bright yellow beachball to the face. The woman sitting a few feet from me was not so lucky. Spinning on my stool at the beach bar, I scowled at the pack of drunk frat boys that were howling their laughter.

The woman who now wore her bright pink drink on her chest blushed furiously as she shook out her pretty blue caftan.

I stood to grab a handful of napkins to perhaps lend a hand, but a blonde-haired Greek god beat me to it.

Intrigued, I stepped aside and let him help the woman, all the while flipping my hair and tossing him a freshly whitened smile. He took my hint and his eyes heated, a promise lingering in their depths.

This was what I needed, a little attention with someone who looked at me like he was imagining me naked.

It was my whole reason for hopping on the happy hour bandwagon today. I wasn’t normally a day drinker, but my ex had left me for a size two insta-model the week before and between the moping and the mood swings, I’d had a rough week.

I was sick of myself. Enough was enough.

And so I jumped into my first shower in days, combed my hair, tossed on something that made me feel sexy and headed out for Mai-Tai’s on the beach—and a confidence boost.

I was angry that I’d let Ben—the asshole—make me feel so down about myself.

He should have been easy to forget. He was terrible in bed and had an obsession with garlic, so I wasn’t sure why I stayed with him for the five very short months of our relationship, but his leaving had still left its mark.

I wasn’t even sure it was Ben I was sad about, more upset overhowhe left.

No explanation. No apology. He just found someone stick-thin—the complete fucking opposite of me—and booked it out the front door without a second glance at my devastated face.

Anyway, he sucked, and I hated him.

At first—still absorbing the heartache—I’d vowed that I was done with men. But that hadn’t lasted more than a day or two.

I wasn’t ashamed to admit that I was a romantic at heart and would probably always be searching for that one person that was meant just for me.

And so when tall, blonde, and chiseled took a seat beside me, my heart gave a little happy thump, hoping he would help me fill this hole in my heart.

He took a lingering look at my sheer maxi dress, catching a hint of my tiny white bikini beneath and his eyes heated.

Seeing that appreciation for my curves gave me just enough confidence to peruse him right back with a bite of my bottom lip.

“Sorry about that,” he said as he settled on the stool beside mine. “They can be real pricks sometimes.”

It took effort to keep my smile in place as I realized he was with the assholes playing a drunk round of keep-away inside a crowded cabana bar.