Page 11 of Jagged Honor

Then my green-eyed neighbor turned his bark on me, ordering me to obey no doubt but I refused, turning my back on all of them.

I heard him sigh, this angry hissing sound that had the hairs on the back of my neck prickling and then he spoke to the two males again, his voice low and cautioning. Then he turned to me again and his voice took on a note of regret, so I was unprepared when the other two males grabbed my arms and legs, tugging me flat and holding me down.

When hands drifted underneath my dress, a new horror dawned. I wouldnotsurvive this. I knew myself and my mind and knew that if I were raped, I would not be able to recover.

So I fought back with everything in me, kicking and clawing at every opportunity, throwing my body around, and using my weight as a weapon.

I was a bigger girl, not huge, but I had some heft to me. I had thick thighs and a big ass and had no problem flaunting it back home, even if my insecurities would sometimes sneak up on me.

For the first time in my life, I thought my weight could be used to my advantage…except these guys were not like the men in my past.

They didn’t evenflinchwhen I tried to become dead weight. I got a few deep kicks in, but it had no effect other than a surprised grunt. I shouted in frustration when they far too quickly subdued me, rolling me to my belly and holding me down.

I welcomed the anger.

It helped to chase away the sickening fear. In this position, my head was at the chained male’s feet, and I could see how tense he was holding himself, a fierce sneer across his lips, exposingverysharp fangs.

I scowled at him, hoping my expression conveyed all the rage I was feeling. He was to blame for this. I didn’t know how or why, but I knew the other two were following orders.

I stared him down with every bit of hatred I could muster as a male mounted me from behind. And I was unable to look away as every muscle in his body strained against the chains holding him down.

I waited for the unthinkable to happen to me. Only it never came.

In a strange turn of events, I had a male trying to force meintoclothes rather thanout of them.

Stunned, I went limp as the two males twisted and rolled me this way and that as they forcefully stuffed me into loose leather pants and a heavy overcoat.

The boots were even larger on my feet than the clothes on my body, but I could only gape at them as they laced them all the way up to my knees.

And then they left me alone…

Huffing a confused breath of air, I rolled to a sitting position, lightly running my hands over the worn leather of the bulky clothes.

They were so warm, and I was grateful, but I was also confused.

Was I a captive? Like, what the hell was going on?

I was warm, clothed…not fed, but that could just be because I’d spent all my time screaming at them and crying…but I was unharmed and not freezing to death out in those woods. Regardless of howmeanthey’d been to me, they’d saved me.


Like I said, I was confused.

I stood hesitantly, watching for any negative reaction, but the males were ignoring me once again.

Well, almost all of them…

My chained neighbor growled something at me, straining toward me as I took a step away from him.

Some weird kind of loyalty that I had somehow started to feel during our very short acquaintance crept up, but I forced it away.

I didn’t owe him anything.

I didn’t know him at all.

For all I knew, he could be chained because he’d done something terrible.

Wincing when his growls drew the attention of everyone on deck, I stepped further away. His body seemed to vibrate with anger, and I was torn between wanting to calm him down and wanting to get away from him.