Page 9 of Jagged Honor

The furs were unwrapped from my body, and I was tossed from one male to another.

Now holding me in a careless grip, the male shook me violently as he growled words in a furious tone.

It was not only frustrating not understanding their language. It was also dangerous. I didn’t know what they wanted from me, how to get them to let me go…or even if I was a prisoner at all.

Everything I had experienced up to this point made me believe I was a captive—more than one of them had chased me down and either attacked me or caught me.

With their overall aggressive demeanor and less than pleasant treatment of me, I was thinking I needed to extricate myself from my current company.

Problem was they were bigger than me, stronger than me, fucking scary looking, and I was still trying to figure out how in thefuckI got stuck here in the first place…or where the hellhereeven was.

Figuring my endless screaming wasn’t exactly helping matters, I reached deep inside myself for the courage to shut up and held back any further freak-outs. And it worked.

The males stopped growling at me but the one holding me hissed in very clear anger, tightening his grip on me.

I winced, my bones aching. Then I spotted the thick cloth wrapped around his upper thigh and my stomach dropped. This was the one I had stabbed. Shit.

Feeling a severe panic attack coming on—or a deadly heart attack—I couldn’t stop a whine from slipping out of me.

The male barked something at me, very clearly enraged but then someone else barked louder.

No—thundered—and the male that was threatening to snap my bones winced, ducking his head and tilting his neck to the side, baring it.

The other males froze alongside him, all of them dropping their gaze in a weirdly submissive gesture.

I slowly turned to the male chained up a few feet away.

He was still chained, still sitting, but he’d been the one to thunder a command in a tone that was very clearly meant to be obeyed. And he wasglaringat the bone-aching grip on my arms.

The male holding me abruptly dropped me back down to the deck of the sled with very little care, and then left me there, scampering away with his tail tucked between his legs—literally.

Watching the others back away from me with a suspicious frown, I scuttled away until I could huddle under the railing at the side of the deck. It really was built like a boat.

It was even rocking like we were on the open water as I glanced out at the icy scenery. And then I realized itwasa boat and wewereon the water.

Gaping over the railing, I watched the bottom of the boat-sled drift over a flat sheet of ice over a yard wide with its ‘skis’ only to sink into icy water where the ice cracked and then float with its curved bottom.

The boat dipped and bobbed as it hit patch after patch of ice. Or rather, as it hit the holes that likely led to a vast sea under the ice.

The boat hit a rather large fissure and slammed off the ice and into the water, nearly sending me over the edge.

I heard a hiss of warning over the thumping of my startled heart and glanced to the side.

I had unintentionally scurried over to where the male that was chained was sitting. That I’d done it unconsciously was telling for the state of my mind and inability to focus on my surroundings or even comprehend them.

Too many things were happening at once, there was too much to process and I was overwhelmed.

The male shifted a little, dragging his foot across the deck, and I realized with surprise that he wore a leather boot.

I didn’t know why I hadn’t noticed or expected it, he also wore leather pants, and I realized it didn’t matter why I hadn’t expected it because he was using that boot to drag the pelt of fur that had been torn away from me across the deck.

I then noticed that I was once again shivering violently, exposed to this horrible cold nightmare while wearing a dress that was so thin you could actually seethroughit.

I couldn’t have decided to nurse my broken heart in the alps before I was sucked into a freaky portal through my fritzing phone?

Couldn’t have been dressed at least a little more appropriately?

He nudged the fur again, his eyes boring into the side of my face with intent, and I couldn’t seem to meet that gaze as I tentatively tugged it from underneath his boot, but I was grateful for its warmth as I burrowed underneath it, only leaving room for my eyes to peek out.