Page 6 of Jagged Honor

Two more boots hit the ground, and I followed them with my eyes up to muscular thighs encased in more leather and a massive chest dusted with…fur?

I blinked, trying to clear the snow from my eyes, and yup…that was fur. Leather strips were strapped across the furry chest to hold massive swords.

Then green eyes flashed in the night, nearly concealed below a curtain of dark hair.

Pointy ears and sharp incisors…this thing was a man. But unlike any man I’d ever seen in my life.

He was a big fuckingcat man.

And he had atail.

The fur gathered along his enormous shoulders made him seem that much more massive, and

I gulped, curling my knees up to my chest to make myself as small as possible.

But there was no hiding from him. He looked right at me, spotting me with comical ease in the snow.

His expression was cold and impassive, and he seemed to look right through me, but I felt the danger as if it were a physical thing.

If it wasn’t for the beast that darted in between us at that very moment, I knew he would have stabbed me with the huge spear clutched in his fist.

But a new beast, this one grey scaled with a long tail of spikes, roared in fury and pounced on the catman, knocking him back and into the side of the sled.

That was just enough to jolt me out of my frozen terror. I jumped—or rather, climbed with aching slowness—to my feet and stumbled further into the trees.

With my feet slipping in the snow and my head so light and dizzy, I couldn’t focus on anything more than a foot in front of me.

I did not care what waited for me deeper in the trees. I just knew I did not want to be anywhere near the strange catmen with the spears.

The woods quickly became a place of chaos—beasts and catmen fighting all around me. The catmen seemed to be hunting the beasts.

I was small enough to slip by them nearly undetected, even as uncoordinated and slow as I was.

Less of a threat, none of them paid me any mind as I lurched through the trees in a state of deliriousness. I was losing my grip on reality now, succumbing to the cold. My body was shutting down on me.

Tears of fear and confusion leaked from my eyes as I wandered aimlessly, desperately seeking any form of shelter.

When a male with yetanotherspear tackled me from the side, I shouted in terror and waited for death.

The male slammed me down into the snow and rocks below us, and my tailbone screamed in pain.

Shocked that I felt anything at all, I gaped as the male roared in my face, massive sharp teeth bared inches away.

I gasped and bucked underneath him but had no strength to defend myself.

The male wrapped my long hair up in his fist, dark claws snagging on the tangled strands, and lifted me from the ground. Then he shook me, violently jarring my whole body like a ragdoll.

He roared again, the force of it nearly blowing back my hair from my face.

Terror, stark and true, jolted through me, bolstering me with renewed energy and somehow chasing away some of the numbness.

I lost my shoes somewhere in the struggle and my bare feet kicked wildly as he started to drag my limp body back through the trees, my hair still in his fist.

He carried me like that, my back bowing from the awkward grip.

One lucky kick got him in the side of his shoulder, and he stumbled, roaring again.

He tossed me into the air and caught me by my leg, swinging me upside down like I weighed nothing.