Page 4 of Jagged Honor

Holy shit,did I die?

I didn’t remember dying…but I knew a few motorcyclists that could be pretty careless on the boardwalk. There’d even been a few injuries over the years…maybe I got hit?

Was it possible to die without feeling it? I patted what little I could reach of my cramped body—everything seemed normal. I was still in one piece.

I shifted anxiously, stabbing my left toe on a sharp edge of the rock. No, I couldn’t be asleep or dead. I felt pain. And I was still so fucking cold.

Unless this was hell…

I forced a chuckle through my quivering lips. “No, no, get a grip. You didn’t die.”

But as I sat there, shivering violently, I knew it was only a matter of time before I did die.

The cold would kill me, especially temperaturesthislow. But I wasn’t moving from this spot. I wasn’t sure Icouldmove.

The cold was pricking at my skin like sharp tiny needles, and my bones were beginning to ache with the deep chill.

I was trying not to panic.

Trying to keep a lid on the freak-out I could feel stirring just under the surface. I knew I needed to get warm, I just didn’t knowhow.

I had no idea where I was or how to get back to the beach.

That thought alone triggered so many alarm bells in my mind that I grew lightheaded for a moment.

Chanting a litany of curse words, I refocused on my strange environment, allowing my eyes to devour miles and miles of untouched ice and snow.

But past that, past all the white, was a blue sky. Bright stars and a bright moon.

Except, no…moons. As inmore than one.

A dark foreboding shiver crept down my spine, right at home with all my trembling.

The wind was high and screaming at times, and then low and quiet at others.

So, when another low roll came through the rocks, allowing room for other sounds, I stiffened, my eyes flaring wide.

At first, it was just a strange beat, a drumming of some kind. But the drum grew louder, bolder, and then was accompanied by an eerie baying sound.

The drumbeat steadily rose over the whistling wind, and—still shivering—I turned to watch faint bobbing orange lights creep closer and closer along with the beat.

“I-I’m d-d-dreaming,” I whispered to myself through chattering teeth. “It’s not real.” Those asshole frat boys knocked me out with their horrible aim.

But no matter how many times I blinked or how hard I pinched myself, I did not wake up on the beach.

A nearby shout had me jumping in place, my feet slipping on the rock edge. Something was creeping closer. A black, beastly, scary fuckingthing.

It was huge. Running full tilt through two feet of pristine snow. Its black, slick body running on all fours stood out against the white in shocking detail.

It had a long snout. The moonlight reflecting off the snow revealed its rows of sharp teeth as it howled frantically. Its bright yellow eyes looked crazed, wild with fury.

It was a huge beast of a thing. Unlike any creature I’d ever seen in my life. Utterly alien to me.

I gasped as the thing got closer and closer, blindly backing into the rock wall behind me, but I quickly realized that I had tomoveor I was about to be monster food.

My toes and the soles of my feet felt raw and wounded as I awkwardly rolled off the rock edge. Falling back into the snow, I held back a scream of pain.

I didn’t think I’d cut myself, but my feet felt like they were gaping wounds with every stumble across the snowy ground.