Page 29 of Jagged Honor

He’d intended to pay withrefjn, draw its death out for his clan, give his brother a show of strength that would make him think twice before challenging his rule again. But after claiming his queen’s sweet cunt, his plans quickly changed. Now, he was impatient to end this.

He wanted his queen back in his arms. Wanted to soothe her anxious energy. From the moment he woke and then his brother’s interruption, Drogann had felt his patience fraying.

Morgann had thought to take his mate from him, believing Drogann would allow it. He’d burst through his cell, demanding he release the alien female before he made a spectacle of their legacy. Drogann hadn’t spared him a single glance, no more afraid of him than he was of the beast he was facing now.

That Morgann had believed he’d somehow gained the upper hand while Drogann was away, completing the other trials—

Drogann snorted. Morgann was no closer to commanding Drogann than he was the seas. His brother was of the worst sort. Not only foolish but daft.

The trials were never meant to be avoided. Drogann knew he was always meant to pass them to earn the respect of his clan. Why Morgann believed he could steal the throne without passing them himself would forever elude Drogann.

The horns bellowed from all corners of the arena, signaling the start of the final trial.

Drogann felt her in his heart. Felt her fear mount as the beast was released from its shackles. Drogann did not look away from Morgann, daring his brother to climb down from his throne and face this challenge like the king he wished he could be.

But like the coward he was, Morgann looked away—and to Drogann’s mate.

Drogann snarled, the might of it echoing across the arena. His clan erupted with excitement.

No one would lay a hand on his mate. Drogann braced as therefjncame lumbering for him, its answering roar ringing in the air.

Drogann smiled.

Already his cock was hardening in anticipation of sinking inside of his mate once more, and he intended to give her a show that would have her cunt weeping for him.

His queen frettedover her mate with wide, worried eyes and an anxious energy. No amount of purring calmed her, and Drogann grew frustrated with his inability to take away her distress.

“I will heal,” he said to her, hoping to convey strength and assurance through his voice. But he knew it did very little when her eyes grew wet and her plump lips began to tremble. His heart fisted inside his chest while she hiccupped a sorrowful sound. “My queen, please.”

“Thawasn’tnice,” she mumbled in a trembling tone, dabbing at the scratches on his chest with a damp cloth. “Youcoudlhavedied!”

Drogann nodded solemnly, agreeing with her even if he did not understand her—as his father had taught through his many arguments with Drogann’s mother.

“I am sorry I scared you,” he said with a grave tone that did little to appease her. “I got carried away.”

Though he hadn’t drawn out the battle as long as initially intended, he didn’t kill therefjnright away either, hoping to impress his queen.

He had not accounted for the distraction she caused. When Drogann allowed the beast to get a little too close, drawing out the anticipation, his attention had been drawn to his mate when she screamed loud enough to shatter ice. Fearing that Morgann had somehow crossed the arena, Drogann had turned his head, desperate to lay his eyes on her.

Unfortunately, this allowed therefjnto land a blow to Drogann’s chest, knocking him off his feet. He hadn’t regained his feet before the beast got its claws into him.

Though the cuts were shallow, the queen reacted as if Drogann had just been dealt a death blow.

He did not waste another moment ending the beast’s life. For her sake.

“Thisplaceisgoigntogoivemeaheartattack,”she continued frantically, brushing away his fur to see more of his injuries beneath.

Drogann could only grin as his sentinels rolled their eyes. They did not understand.

They did not have his pretty little alien petting their chests and dropping sweet little kisses on their necks, and if they ever did, he would gut them.

Feeling covetous of his mate, he strode ahead, leaving his sentinels to guard the halls of the king’s chambers.

Consumed by her tasks, she did not notice where he carried her after the arena. Did not notice his brother quietly retreating. Did not notice his Gryasili’s crowing their victory for their king. Did not notice their acceptance of their queen.

Did not notice that he’d surpassed the warrior’s chambers he’d taken over during the trails, relocating the champions for a short time until he could release them from Morgann’s captivity.

And she did not notice now as he shut the door on their opulent chambers where he would mate her for the rest of their lives together, filling her with his seed, creating an heir, raising their cubs.