Page 28 of Jagged Honor

Its jaw was bigger than Drogann by likea lot. It could swallow him in one bite if it got close enough. Saliva dripped from its gaping maw as it flashed razor-sharp teeth, tracking Drogann as if it could already taste him.

It was hideous and monstrous and so viciously created that I was in awe watching it regard Drogann as if he were an annoying insect.

I was confused as to why he was being forced to confront this monster that would no doubt kill him in seconds. I was also baffled as to why he didn’t seem worried about his current predicament. I was also terrified enough for the both of us.

I wasinvested,damnit. I had fuckingfeelings.

But I had no way of expressing them with the language barrier…other than physically. And boy did weexpress our feelings. But right now, sex was not going to fix this. I needed my words, and I didn’t have them.

I scowled at the guards surrounding me on all sides. When Drogann had been escorted away from me upon walking into the arena, I’d pitched a hissy fit to end all hissy fits.

Hissing and scratching like I fit right in with the rest of them, I refused to let him go.

Drogann didn’t seem to mind, smirking at the guards trying to talk me down—not daring to touch me—as if to say,check my baby out laying her claim.

That look washotbut I was too scared to appreciate it and when Drogann realized I wasn’t just being possessive and cute, he barked at them to back off, cradling me to his chest and purring sweet nonsense in my ears.

I wanted to tell him not to leave me, to demand that he take me with him, but he seemed to read all of that on me and still wouldn’t give me what I wanted.

Instead, he walked me to a single seat on a dais about a hundred feet in the air, overlooking the arena, and sat me down, kneeling at my feet.

Several onlookers stared in abject horror at Drogann kneeling at my feet and it made me uncomfortable enough that I slid off the seat, straddling his lap instead.

He grinned, something soft and tender radiating from him and lighting me up inside and I swore I heard several males sigh behind me.

Ducking my head to rest on his chest, I listened to Drogann passionately declare his undying love for me for all to hear—

I didn’t know if that was what he was saying, but a girl could hope.

But he was trying to reassure me, I knew that. I only wished that I could tell him I didn’t care if he had to go do macho catman stuff, I didn’t want to lose sight of him.

He’d become my safe place. My light in the harbor. The only thing I could count on when my whole world disappeared.

I knew there was no going home. I knew I’d likely never understand how I got here, and I knew it would take time to come to terms with that. And I thought I could get through it, swallow it down, as long as I had Drogann to soften the blow.

But I couldn’t keep him from leaving me with his guards, couldn’t stop him from going down into that arena accompanied by the thunderous applause of his audience.

The arena was packed in a matter of minutes. The energy a living breathing, rioting monster—they were hungry for blood.

Drogann’s blood.



Therefjnstood before him,watching, waiting to be released. Behind the towering beast sat his brother.

Morgann smirked from the rise overlooking the arena. Not the rise reserved for its king. That honor was for Drogann’s queen. But Morgann sat where they both had as young cubs, their father’s right and left arm, embracing their clan.

Drogann stared his brother down, a minor pest from his vantage—fitting. Morgann watched Drogann with a foolish light, already crowing in victory, and it was that idiocy that would get him killed one day.

Not by Drogann’s hand, no matter how evil his brother or how determined he was to steal the throne. Drogann would not stoop so low as his younger brother. He could not do that to his mother. Nor his father.

Though they were both now passed, Drogann believed they watched over them from the heavens, especially on this day.

The day Drogann would defeat therefjnand claim his throne.

With his queen at his back, Drogann never felt more confident in his strength. He’d never been more assured in his path in life.