Page 27 of Jagged Honor

Fangs bared, face twisted into a sneer, Drogann looked scary as hell—and so fucking hot I started to pant, fanning my flushed face with my hand.

The male that looked like he could be Drogann’s brother scowled with a look of pure hatred but bared his neck in submission as if he had no control over his body.

Drogann stared him down, daring him to open his mouth again but the male bit back his words and spun away from him, slamming out of the cell.

When my catman turned that frenetic energy toward me—muscles bulging, chest heaving, eyes burning—I nearly came on the spot.

“I don’t what that was about, big guy, but I think I need you to fuck me again.”

Sadly, I didn’t get another fucking.

Instead, two other males interrupted Drogann’s plundering tongue as it slipped down my throat, sheepishly telling him something that wiped the lust right out of his eyes.

With a sweet little nip at my neck and a pat to my bottom, Drogann wrapped his tail around my upper left thigh and his arm around my waist and walked out ahead of the two guards—chains scraping along the ground behind him.

The guards glanced at the broken shackles on his wrists, then the chains dragging along the ground, then at Drogann, noting his raised eyebrow, and then they just shrugged, letting it go.

I huffed a laugh to myself, convinced at this point Drogann was only chained up for his own amusement.

As we exited the dark tunnel the way I’d first been escorted into it, I noticed an eerie hush in the air. Once we stepped out into the light of the cavernous area leading back out into the icy landscape, I knew why.

There was a crowd of them waiting at the entrance to the mountain—dozens of males and females.

And beyond it, as far as the eye could see, were lines of them waiting in the snow, watching Drogann make his way to what seemed like a trail leading down an icy hill.

Their eyes bore into me, causing an itchy sensation to crawl over my skin. Some whispered, but most of them just watched until, one by one they began to bow, kneeling on one knee as Drogann walked past them.

Stunned and confused, I huddled deeper into my coat, my hand wrapped tight around his forearm.

Drogann held his head up, his chin firm, his eyes cold and stoic but his tail whispered against the skin of my stomach, hidden under my coat, as if reassuring me.

I focused on that singular act to keep me calm as I realized something big and likely frightening was about to go down.

We walked for a while, long enough that my feet began to ache and my cheeks became chapped from the icy wind.

I hadn’t heard the drums since my time on the boat-sleds and oddly that had started to feel so long ago even though it was only a few days. But I heard them again now.

They started off low and slow but picked up speed that eventually became a wild and chaotic beat. My anxiety rose along with the rhythm, but Drogann seemed so calm that I tried to reassure myself.

And then we were cresting over a hill, overlooking a structure that resembled the Colosseum in Rome—if it were made of crystalized ice and ten times larger.

My anxiety snapped around me like a rubber band.

Nothing good would come from walking in there. I’d seen enough of the history channel to know better.

I stoodat the edge of the arena, my breath steaming in front of me. I felt the cold in the air, but it barely registered past the shock flooding my system.

Drogann was standing in the center of the arena, chained up to an icy stone monument standing over one hundred feet tall that represented a catman wearing a crown that would put the royals back home to shame.

Something about that statue resonated with me and all I’d seen so far.

Watching Drogann stand before it, holding himself just as regally, his face a mask of the conquering warrior, I had the strange thought that he’d look damn good with that crown on his head.

But there was no time for Cat-King fantasies—Drogann and I could role play later. Shit was about to hit the fan.

Across the arena was something so terrifying I could not put it into words.

It was at least ten times Drogann’s size and paced on six legs as far as its chain would allow it. It had a body that allowed it to move disjointedly and a tail that had spikes the size of my leg sticking from the end, but it was its head that really scared me.