Page 24 of Jagged Honor

What he wouldn’t give for that glimpse into her mind. But they would learn to break through that language barrier in time.

For now, he would study her face, learn her expressions.

He would speak to her with his actions, with his cock.

Bent over her, he found her neck's smooth, silky skin and clamped his teeth around it, holding her still.

Her breath froze in her chest, and then her cunt clutched his cock in an unforgiving grip as his seed erupted inside of her.

Her cries grew faint with disbelief as his barbs began to spread out from his cock, keeping him embedded deep inside his mate.

He would not release her until every drop of his seed was released. Would keep her locked to his cock until their mating was complete.

Gryasili females knew to be still during this process. It was neither pleasant nor painful for them.

The barbs simply held them in place long enough for the male’s seed to penetrate deeply enough that life may take root.

Drogann knew the barbs were pleasurable during the act, and he’d suspected his queen may enjoy them, but he could not have anticipated just how responsive she would be.

Even now, as he held them both still, his cock latched inside of her, and her cunt trembled around him with another burst of release.

She smothered a choked cry in his chest, her blunt little nails clawing at his back. Gritting his teeth, he planted his feet, determined to keep his balance as her cunt wrung every last drop from him.

“Gods, female,” he rasped, overcome with the need to rut her again as she began to rock against him, seemingly enjoying the sharp bite of his barbs inside of her.

She mumbled nonsense as her head dropped back, exposing his mating bite at the base of her neck.

Drogann swelled with pride at the sight. His queen bowed over his arm, her cunt rocking on her king’s cock, lush, smooth teats thrust in the air, begging for his tongue.

She was magnificent.

She washis.

“That’s it, mate, take what you need from me,” he purred, wrapping his tail around her neck from beneath the water.

Her mouth dropped open, and she moaned. “Ohmyfuckinggodiloveyourtail.”

Though he didn’t know what she said, her body expressed enough.

She undulated on his locked cock, and he could do nothing but stand fast, grit his teeth, and bear the brunt of her pleasure.

The moment his barbs softened, he would be rutting inside of her, chasing a release that was bound to wreck him.

Though he’d never locked a female, refusing to make life with anyone than his future mate, he’d witnessed it with his brothers.

The Gryasili were not modest in the least. He’d only sent away his sentinels earlier because his queen seemed uncomfortable, as was likely her ways.

He was not some wet behind the ears cub, but he’d never heard of a male rutting so soon after a lock. Had not known it was possible.

But not only was he ready to mate again, but he was also battling the urge to rut herduringa lock.

It took a great deal of effort to remain unmoving as she rocked on his cock, rolling her hips in a way that was drawing primal instincts to the forefront of his mind.

“Have mercy,” he rasped, his hands biting into her waist, dimpling sensually along her bared belly. Visions of her growing round with his cubs flashed through his mind, her teats heavy with milk—

He cursed furiously, unable to help a rough punch of his hips against her. She was going to be the death of him.

Whimpering as her release came to an end, she sagged back in the water, floating while still impaled on her king. Drogann rumbled a purr of satisfaction, rolling his hips to test her reaction.