Page 17 of Jagged Honor



They finally gave me food.

It wasn’t exactly fine dining—hunks of burnt meat that I’d rather not look too closely at—but I wasn’t complaining.

After a few hours of being cooped up in that bare cave with nothing but myself and several piles of alien animal bones, I was starving for both food and attention.

Both of which I got. Not only did they give me food, but they also gave me my catman back.

I wasn’t quite sure when he’d become ‘my catman,’ but when they directed me to another cell and I spotted him chained up to a wall with a tiny little cot to one side, a gasp of relief burst from me as did a few tears.

He was the only familiar, comforting thing to me here, and so I latched onto him with a ferocity that should have frightened me.

He was still chained up, but he had a lot more use of his hands, and heusedthem.

The moment I barreled into his chest, plopping right on his lap like I belonged there, his arms came around me and squeezed me tight.

I couldn’t recall ever feeling as safe as I did in that moment. Not ever.

The food was left on a massive wooden tray on the floor at his feet, and I twitched in surprise as his tail swung out to drag the tray close to his side.

Licking my lips as my mouth watered, I couldn’t tear my eyes away as he carved out a chunk of the juicy meat with his claws.

My stomach grumbled, and he scowled at it, tugging me closer with his free hand.

With the chain, he couldn’t wrap it completely around my waist, but his hand was large, and he spread out his fingers so he could cup nearly my entire side from hip to the side of my breast.

I blushed when he prodded at my lips with the meat but was so anxious to fill my aching stomach that I didn’t bother feigning affront before allowing him to feed me.

I moaned as the different spices burst across my tongue, dropping my head back with a grateful groan.

I could feel his chest rumble with a purr and nearly choked as I swallowed as his eyes grew heavy with undeniable lust.

I knew that should have horrified me. The very thought of anything sexual with him should have never even crossed my mind but—

Well, he washot.

He had that whole smoldering eye thing going for him, and I felt just howbuilthe was…thick thighs—oh man, histhighs—biceps that were made for lifting boulders, and don’t even get me started on his hands…those sharp claws?


And I guess I’d always been a little kinky.

It started with my mom’s hidden erotica novels, and then I found my way to fantasy, paranormal, and eventually monsters—and well, everything he had going on was kind of mything, ya know?

Hell, and histail?...

I couldn’t look at his tail without a blush exploding across my face that could light a tree on fire.

It was difficult to meet his eyes with all these thoughts racing through my mind, but it was even more difficult to shut the thoughts down while he was feeding me.

All that weighted attention directed at little ol’ me?

I was eating it up just as ferociously as the meal.

When my belly was so full, I couldn’t possibly take another bite, I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.