
“Your code, E.”Crap, he figured it out.

“Oh, yeah, I guess it is,” I say, hoping the answer satisfies his curiosity. His knowing smirk says otherwise.

He takes out his phone and hands it to me. “Unlock it.” I frown in confusion. “0214.” I know my eyes are wide, no matter how hard I try to hide my surprise.

I don’t unlock it. “Quite the coincidence.”

“Quite,” he replies, taking his phone back.

Once I lock up, I turn back to him waiting for me less than a foot away. I’m pretty sure he isn’t going to let me out of his sight until I drive off.

We walk to my car parked next to his in the driveway. I use my key fob to unlock it and he opens the driver’s side for me. Before I get in, he lifts my knuckles to his lips for a quick kiss. His eyes never leave mine. “Have a great day at work, beautiful.”

I smile back at him. “You too.“ He releases my hand for me to slide into my seat. I set everything down as he closes my car door. Looking out the window, I start my car, he steps back a few feet, and I give him a small wave as I leave.

The drive to the office is too quiet. I don’t want to be alone with my thoughts, so I pull up my audiobook app, but remember I never called Riley last night. I would call Lily, but she is a hopeless romantic, and will probably start planning our wedding if I tell her what happened. Riley is the logical, practical one. I need her to help me keep my head on straight. I press my hands-free button on my car. “Call Riley.” She picks up on the second ring.

“Spill, tell me everything!”

“Good morning to you too! There isn’t much to tell,” I lie.

“You are so full of crap! You would have called me last night for a date debrief, but instead I didn't hear from you until now? Yeah, I’m not buying it. So…what really happened?” She gasps. “You slept with him, didn’t you?”

“No! I mean, sure, part of me wanted to, but we agreed to take it slow.” I tell her about my date. She stays silent for most of it and I go on to tell her how he asked to stay over, admitting that we spent the night together. He kept his promise, nothing happened.It did feel amazing waking up in his arms.

“Let me get this straight. He poured his heart out to you—like some kind of confession you’d expect from a book boyfriend written by one of those romance authors you represent. And he admitted more than once that he never stopped loving you. But what did you say?”

It hits me—I didn’t reciprocate his feelings. “Um, I don’t remember exactly, but I didn’t tell him I love him back.”

“Do you, though?”

Letting her question marinate with me, I wonder,do I?“I, uh…no. I haven’t loved him since he broke my heart, all those years ago.” It’s the truth, I am not there.

She sighs. “That’s what I thought. It was probably nice having a hot man in your bed. I get wanting a doting, growly, alpha-type meandering around your house for the night, ready to pin you against the wall at any given moment. Did he call you a good girl? I bet he did, he seems the type. Anyway, I’m getting off track. Ok, I say this with love…I know you are so freaking stubborn when it comes to forgiveness.” After a brief pause, I am about to object when she continues, “Don’t lead him on if you aren’t ready to be serious with him. I know he saidI’ll wait forever for you, or whatever line he pulled that sounded all fluffy and cozy, but here’s the reality…you are a strong, independent woman, who runs one of the largest agencies in the US. Don’t forget what a badass you are! Of course, you are the one who got away! Don’t let one night cloud your judgment by thinking this guy is end game. I mean, sure, it’s possible he might be, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. He promised to take it slow, so take it slow!”

This is why I adore Riley, she always keeps me grounded. “You’re right, and that’s why I called you and not Lily. So, we made plans for tomorrow night, but I think I need to cancel.” I chew on my lip and add, “It’s too much, too soon.”

“You’re call, hun, but if you want my opinion, I think it’s smart. Let the emotions settle. Maybe move it out a week? If he starts texting you some flirty shit that gets you feeling all hot and bothered, put your phone ondo not disturb, take a deep breath, and remind yourself that you’ve only been talking to this guy for a few days. You don’t know him, and he doesn’t know you. Give yourselves time to get to know each other again. In a week, if you still want to date him, then go for it. If this is going to work with him, you need time, Em.”

I sigh. “Why do you always know exactly what to say?”

“Well, I am older and wiser…”

“By like 3 months! I’m going to postpone the date a week, it will give me time to cool off.” I make a mental note to cancel my sitter. I want to date him, I just need a little bit of space to process everything.

She laughs. “Ok, let’s make it a girls night tomorrow, so you aren’t moping around wishing you had been on a date with him.”

“Sounds good, I’ll text Lily to see if she’s free.”

“Buffalo plaid?” Referring to our pajama get-togethers we have when one of us had a rough day.

I smile and confirm, “Yeah, it’s definitely going to be a buffalo plaid night.”

We hang up as I am pulling into my parking spot at work. I text Lily and Riley.

Emma: Tomorrow night. Buffalo plaid?